John Bowbly Theory Flashcards
What did bowbly believe
-He believed that children could be less intelligent,have depression and be more aggressive if they didn’t have an attachment formed
-he said that children gave a bio pre programme to form attachments
How does he talk about the emotional development for infants
-infants show social display(crying,smiling)to receive care
-infants form attachments because of bio pre programming
-babies have an attachment gene
-mothering is useless if delayed for first couple of years
What are the criticisms of bowlbys theory
-no proof of “attachment gene”
-it doesn’t apply for everyone
What are the 3 types of attachment styles
Insecure avoidant
Insecure resistant
What is the secure attachment
The parent meets all needs of the children consistently
The infant will show distress when care giver leaves and happy when they return (clingy)
What is insecure avoidant
The parent avoids child (unavailable for them)
The infant won’t care if caregiver leaves or comes back.May hunt for love when older
What is insecure resistant
The parent is inconsistent in meeting the child’s needs
Infant shows Distress when carer leaves but shows anxieties when they return
What are the pros of this theory
-it has real life applications as it shows how why adults behave a certain way
What is ainsworth strange situation classification
It’s talks about how attachment can be put into 3 types
Insecure avoidant
Insecure resistant
What is the strange situation classification based on
It’s based a study of children’s reactions when they were separated from their parents