NATOPS Flashcards
When may the APU be used?
Single Engine Training
Practice Autos
Powering ECS during extreme temp operations
What are the steps for every EP?
- Maintain control of the aircraft
- Alert Crew
- Determine the precise nature of the problem
- Complete the applicable emergency procedure or take action appropriate for the problem
- Determine landing criteria and land as required
What functions does the HMU provide?
- Rapid engine transient response through collective compensation
- Auto fuel scheduling for engine start
- Ng Overspeed protection (Ng 110+/- 2)
- Flameout and compressor stall protection
- Acceleration limiting.
- Ng governing
Functions of the ODV
- Provides fuel to the 12 fuel injectors
- Purges fuel overboard after engine shutdown to prevent coking of the injectors
- Traps fuel upstream in the fuel/oil heat exchanger to prevent the need for priming
- Returns fuel back to the HMU in event of Np overspeed
What do you lose in EDECU lockout?
TGT Limiting
Np governing
Load Sharing
What do you keep in EDECU lockout?
Np overspeed protection
Signals sent from EDECU to the cockpit?
Indications of malfunctioning anti-ice/start bleed valve:
- ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory with >90 Ng or >94 Ng if OAT is >= 15C
- No ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory when Ng <88
- No ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory when ENG ANTI-ICE switch is ON
- No rise in TGT when ENG ANTI-ICE switch is ON
With ENG ANTI-ICE ON, what is the max torque reduction?
Up to 18% per engine
How does the INLET ANTI ICE bellow function?
1.<4C, valve is open and INLET ANTI-ICE ON advisory appears when inlet temp reaches 93C
2. 4C - 13C, Freon filled bellows begin closing, and should be closed be 13C
3. >13C, valve is closed and INLET ANTI-ICE ON advisory extinguishes when inlet cowling temp is <93C
Indication of inlet anti ice malfunction and corresponding consequence?
INLET ANTI-ICE ON advisory when OAT >13C.
Up to 49% loss of torque with valves open
3 little pigs of the electrical system
- B/U Hyd Pump (No.1 AC Pri)
- Mission avionics system (AC Secondary), as well as tail rotor deice
- Main rotor deice (AC Monitor)
Primary Fuel
Authorized to use for continuous unrestricted ops
JP-5/8, F-24, TS-1
Restricted Fuel
Imposes operational restrictions on the aircraft
A1, A, JP-4, B
Emergency Fuel
May be used for a minimum time when no other fuel is available in case of emergency or operational necessity.
JP8+100, F27
Minimum Equipment for Night Flight over water
LAWS (Low altitude warning system)
Altitude Hold
Is the fuel dump system protected by WoW?
No, fuel can be dumped on deck.
Minimum Fuel Dump Rate
800 lbs/min
AFCS Inner Loop
Rate damping
Fast response, limited authority, operates without movement of the flight controls
AFCS Outer Loop
Long term inputs
Trims flight controls
Full authority
Limited rate of 10 percent / sec
Four inputs to position the stab
Collective position
Lateral acceleration
Pitch rate
Criteria required for Hyd Leak Test
AC Power
Rotors Engaged
B/U Hyd Pump in AUTO
All Hyd reservoirs full
Indications of degraded xmsn lubrication system
- Steady px outside of 45-60, but w/n 30-65
- Fluctuations not exceeding a range of 10 PSI, but w/n 30-65
What defines a no flow oil condition?
0 xmsn oil px during rotor engagement. Limited to <1min and shall be documented on a MAF
Indications of imminent xmsn fail
Yaw attitude excursions with no control input
Increase in pwr req for fixed collective setting
Failure of main gen or hyd pump
Increased noise
Increased vibes
Abnormal fumes in caboin
How long does CABLE ANGLE hover take to calculate velocity biases?
25 seconds
Cable Angle Hover corrective actions
- Cyclic trim (3kgs input)
- Fly against lateral trim
- Reposition aircraft using trim release button
- Fly against longitudinal trim
Static Rollover
28 degrees
Parked on very steep embarkment
Critical Rollover
Max lateral angle of slope that can be negotiated in a takeoff or landing.
12 degrees with left wheel uphill and brakes on
Dynamic Rollover
Buildup of angular velocity of helicopter cg about a wheel ground contact point.
Minimum Equipment for Passengers
Helo emergency egress lighting system shall be operational for all overwater flights requiring passengers/non aircrew in the cabin
NATOPS Operational Necessity Items
Night HIFR
1 or 2 wheel rescues
At what Nr do the generators drop off?
With WoW: <94 Nr
In Flight: <=80 Nr
At what Nr will the generators reconnect?
97 Nr
What buses are powered by the number 1 gen?
No.1 AC Pri
AC Essential
AC Secondary
What buses are powered by the number 2 gen?
No. 2 AC Pri
AC Monitor
What does the batter power?
Utility Bus
At what battery percentage may the battery not activate the fire extinguisher CADs?
What is the hyd system pressurized to?
3000 psi
Trim actuators are powered to 1000 psi
What does the number 1 hyd system power?
1st stage pri servos
Tail Servo
What powers the hyd pumps?
Accessory module off of the transmission
What does the number 2 hyd system power?
2nd stage pri servo and PAS assembly
How long does it take the b/u hyd pump to energize?
4 sec on APU or external power
0.5 sec of main gen
When do antiflapping restraints come out?
35% Nr
When do droop stops come out?
70% Nr