AP® Spanish Flashcards

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Study all of the most common verbs and vocabulary terms tested on the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam with these comprehensive AP Spanish flashcards (with audio), compiled using top textbooks, test banks, tutors, and practice exams. Study online or in Brainscape’s mobile app and get ready to score a perfect 5!

Brainscape's AP Spanish app (with AUDIO) covers over 6,000 of the most common words and verbs most likely to be on the exam, based on our analysis of many years' worth of exams and our consultations with several test prep experts most familiar with the College Board's tactics.

Together with this panel of experts, we have distilled the entire AP Spanish curriculum down into this comprehensive collection of over 6,400 digital flashcards with audio. These have been neatly organized into 31 topical decks that you can study anytime, anywhere via the Brainscape website or app for Android or iOS. All your progress will automatically sync between devices.

The ultimate study tool to for AP Spanish test prep

Brainscape is the ultimate study tool for content-heavy exams like AP Spanish, helping not only to simplify the content into its constituent facts but also delivering these in a way that makes them so much more efficient, easy, and convenient to learn and remember. In fact, our adaptive learning platform is scientifically proven to help students learn material twice as fast as traditional study methods!

Curated by our team of leading AP Spanish experts and top students, and in strict accordance with the latest College Board AP test materials and outline, our AP Spanish flashcards are the perfect study supplement to help you memorize vocabulary, verb conjugation, and pronunciation and ace the exam. So join the thousands of top students who have used Brainscape to earn top scores on all their AP exams!

How Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of AP Spanish content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

With Brainscape’s AP Spanish supplementary course, you get:

  • +6400 Cards across 31 decks that are stock full of essential AP Spanish verbs and vocabulary.
  • The ability to improve your AP Spanish knowledge faster than any other program.
  • Study tools that are fun and convenient to use.
  • A better understanding of how your brain learns best so you can learn concepts efficiently.
  • Courses that effectively combine the complete College Board test outline with clear explanations.
  • Flashcards tested among hundreds of top teachers & students before being published.
  • Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
  • In-sync studying across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS and Android devices.

Start learning for the AP Spanish exam today!

AP®, Advanced Placement Program® or Pre-AP® is a registered trademark of the College Board, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product.

Browse these flashcards.

AP Spanish Verbs

Review all of the basic verb conjugations typically tested on the AP Spanish Language exam. 

Key Spanish Verbs
Learn the meanings and pronunciations of the most common Spanish verbs.
189  cards
Present Tense
Learn the present tense conjugations for the most useful verbs in Spanish. The present tense is used to express conditions, present actions, habitual actions, possession, and relationships. Ex.: Yo hablo español. (I speak Spanish.)
246  cards
Imperfect Tense
Learn the imperfect conjugation for the most useful and frequently-used Spanish verbs. The imperfect tense is used for an incomplete action in the past, especially when it is interrupted by another event. Ex.: "Yo hablaba" (I was speaking; OR I used to speak)
245  cards
Preterite Tense
Learn the preterite tense of the most useful Spanish verbs. The preterite is the main tense used to express actions that occurred (and ended) in the past. Ex.: "Yo hablé con Marta" (I spoke with Marta)
246  cards
Future Tense
Learn the future tense conjugations of the most useful Spanish verbs. The future tense is used to describe actions that will definitely happen at some later point in time. Ex.: "Mañana, yo hablaré con Miguel" (Tomorrow, I will speak with Miguel)
246  cards
Conditional Mood
Learn the conditional conjugations of the most useful Spanish verbs. The conditional mood is used to talk about possible and hypothetical situations that may or may not happen. It is often used in conjunction with the imperfect subjunctive. Ex.: "Si yo estudiara más, ya hablaría español mejor" (If I studied harder, I would speak Spanish better)
246  cards
Present Subjunctive
Learn the present subjunctive conjugations of the most useful Spanish verbs. The present subjunctive is used when talking about a desire, a condition, or a personal viewpoint, as well as to express doubt. Ex.: "Yo dudo que sea necesario" (I doubt it's necessary)
246  cards
Imperfect Subjunctive
Learn the imperfect subjunctive conjugations of the most useful Spanish verbs. The imperfect subjunctive is usually used in "if...then" constructions to denote a hypothetical situation. Ex.: "Si fuera possible, yo iría" (If it were possible, I would go)
246  cards
Present Perfect
Learn the present perfect conjugation for the most useful verbs in Spanish. The present perfect is the preferred form in Spain to describe past events; in Latin American Spanish, it connotes a sense of completion. Ex.: "Yo he hablado con la profesora" (I spoke with the professor) or (I have spoken with the professor)
246  cards
Pluperfect Tense
Learn the conjugations of the most useful Spanish verbs in the pluperfect tense. The pluperfect is used in the context of a past narrative to indicate that an event (or condition) has occurred still earlier than other events in the more recent past. Ex.: "Mi madre me ofreció un sándwich, pero yo ya había comido" (My mother offered me a sandwich, but I had already eaten)
246  cards
AP Spanish Vocabulary

Brush up on hundreds of essential AP Spanish vocabulary terms FAST, using Brainscape's innovative smart flashcard platform. 

Vocab Enrichment 1
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
195  cards
Vocab Enrichment 2
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
212  cards
Vocab Enrichment 3
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
191  cards
Vocab Enrichment 4
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
208  cards
Vocab Enrichment 5
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
195  cards
Vocab Enrichment 6
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
195  cards
Vocab Enrichment 7
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
203  cards
Vocab Enrichment 8
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
200  cards
Vocab Enrichment 9
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
197  cards
Vocab Enrichment 10
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
201  cards
Vocab Enrichment 11
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
200  cards
Vocab Enrichment 12
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
201  cards
Vocab Enrichment 13
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
197  cards
Vocab Enrichment 14
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
207  cards
Vocab Enrichment 15
Learn these Spanish words using Confidence-Based Repetition. Be honest about how well you know these words, and be sure to turn on your audio.
111  cards
Food and Restaurant
An enrichment deck of advanced Spanish vocabulary in the domain of food and gastronomy.
392  cards
An enrichment deck of advanced Spanish vocabulary in the domain of medicine.
244  cards
An enrichment deck of advanced Spanish vocabulary in the domain of transportation.
84  cards
An enrichment deck of advanced Spanish vocabulary in the domain of technology.
148  cards
An enrichment deck of advanced Spanish vocabulary in the domain of mechanics and automobiles.
242  cards
Countries and Nationalities
Learn the Spanish names of the 50 most populous countries and their inhabitants, as well as the continents and oceans.
61  cards

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