Learn AP® U.S. History

Covering the official College Board test plan, Barron's, Kaplan & other AP U.S. History prep books.

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U.S. History is a rich tapestry of events, places, people, and dates, which makes for excellent fireside conversations... but rather challenging exams because you have to remember so much information. Without a doubt, the best possible study tool for tackling content-heavy subjects like AP U.S. History (APUSH) is Brainscape’s AP U.S. History flashcards.

This collection of 1,100+ AP U.S. History flashcards provides the fastest, most efficient way to learn for one of the most demanding courses. And they’re aligned with the official College Board AP U.S. History syllabus, covering everything you need to know from the pre-Columbian period to modern times.

Hundreds of smart, adaptive flashcards for fast, efficient AP US exam prep

History textbooks, though essential, don't exactly make for the most compelling reading; they’re practically a metaphor for boring. But Brainscape has taken the entire College Board curriculum and distilled it down into bite-sized question-and-answer AP U.S. history flashcards that’ll help you ingrain the necessary facts to take on this notoriously challenging exam.

Also, being a web and mobile app, you can squeeze in quick study sessions throughout your day, taking a quick 5 to 10 minutes here and there to learn new facts or review old ones. In this way, Brainscape’s AP US flashcards make it easy to constantly build upon your knowledge so that when you sit down to study, you’ve already got the important facts memorized.

Created by a team of top APUSH experts, and tested by students who recently scored a 5 on their own AP U.S. History exam, these AP US exam prep flashcards:

  • Contain over 1,154 AP US history flashcards across 27 decks.
  • Offers an efficient review of the most important US History facts and concepts at your fingertips.
  • Helps you learn the context and significance of critical historical events.
  • Targets those issues tested most frequently on prior exams.
  • Uses a special learning algorithm that leverages the latest in cognitive science techniques to ensure that you learn faster and remember for longer.
  • Adjusts according to your unique strengths and weaknesses, so that you can focus on the facts that you struggle with and save time repeating those you’re already confident in.

Brainscape’s AP US flashcards help you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information in a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our"secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of AP US flashcards at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

Additional free resources for students using these AP US History flashcards

With Brainscape, you too can score a 5 on the AP U.S. History exam ... so go forth and rise to your challenge!

Decks in this class (29)

Foundations 1491 - 1607
Before Columbus’s arrival, the Americas were home to several vibrant civilizations. This deck describes the Indian empires of Mesoamerica, the southwest, and the Mississippi River Valley.
18  cards
Early Colonies 1607 - 1690
The English, French, Dutch, and Spanish each engaged in significant colonial efforts. This deck describes their attempts to establish permanent outposts in the New World, the arrival of the settlers, Jamestown and Plymouth Bay, and the birth of religious liberty in British North America.
40  cards
Colonial Growth 1690 - 1754
During the 16th and 17th centuries British North America continued to expand, developing its own economy and political institutions. This deck covers the early period of the American colonies.
24  cards
Seeds of Revolution 1754 - 1776
What s in a name,
Salutary neglect,
French and indian war
42  cards
The Articles of Confederation 1776 - 1789
Beginning with the French and Indian War, this deck describes the growing American resistance to British rule, the Declaration of Independence, the Revolutionary War, and the establishment of the United States as one nation.
34  cards
Washington + Adams 1789 - 1800
Judiciary act of 1789,
Alexander hamilton,
Tariffs and manufacturing
29  cards
Jefferson + Madison 1800 - 1816
The new American nation was beset by difficulties both at home and abroad. This deck covers the Presidencies of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison.
36  cards
Monroe + JQ Adams 1817 - 1828
This deck describes the changes in the American economy in the years before the Civil War, as it was transformed by new inventions, proto-industrialization, and efforts to increase trade.
36  cards
Jackson + Van Buren 1829 - 1840
As the Era of Good Feelings ended, the American political scene in the antebellum period was dominated by the struggle between the Jacksonian Democrats and the Whigs. This deck reviews the rise of judicial federalism, tariff controversies, the struggle for states’ rights, and the Bank War.
40  cards
Tyler + Polk 1841 - 1849
This deck covers the religious and cultural developments in Antebellum America, including Evangelical protestant revivalism, social reforms, ideals of domesticity, and the rise of a uniquely American form of artistic and literary expression.
38  cards
Fillmore to Buchanan 1850-1861
New immigrants and the search for greater opportunities drove America’s great push westward. This deck describes Americans' belief in a Manifest Destiny, the Mexican American War, and interactions with Indian tribes west of the Mississippi River.
43  cards
Lincoln 1861 - 1865
This deck reviews the specific events, military strategies, and sociopolitical and economic effects of the Civil War, and includes the drive towards Emancipation.
50  cards
Johnson 1865 - 1869
In the decade before the Civil War, America faced new struggles, sectionalism, tensions over slavery, and efforts to digest the lands acquired in the Mexican American War. This deck covers the period from the Compromise of 1850 to the election of Abraham Lincoln.
27  cards
Grant 1869 - 1877
Beginning with the plans of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, this deck describes Northern attempts to remake the South and ensure African American civil rights. The deck concludes with the presidential election of 1876 and the removal of the last federal troops from the South.
41  cards
Hayes to Arthur 1877 - 1885
During the second half of the 19th century, the American Frontier pushed westward, driven by farmers, cattlemen, and the railroad. This deck covers the beginnings of federal regulation, the rise of the Grangers and Greenback Parties, and the push for Free Silver.
34  cards
Cleveland to Harrison 1885 - 1893
In this deck, the problems and promises of early modern industrial America are explored, including political corruption, economic opportunity, and technological advancement.
43  cards
Cleveland to McKinley 1893 - 1901
This deck describes the final decades of the 19th century; the birth of Populism, the rising influx of immigrants, efforts at governmental reform, and the cultural achievements of the period.
33  cards
Teddy + Taft 1901 - 1913
Covering the period between the Spanish American War and Woodrow Wilson’s election, this deck spans 1898-1912, covering the rise of the muckrakers, Teddy Roosevelt’s administration, and attempts to counter the monopolies.
28  cards
Wilson 1913 - 1921
American efforts to remain neutral in World War I, the subsequent involvement of the U.S. in European affairs, and the failure of Wilson’s efforts to get Senate approval for the League of Nations are the focus of this deck.
36  cards
Harding to Hoover 1921 - 1932
The 1920s was the Jazz Age, a mix of the Lost Generation with those who perceived a bright new future of American prosperity. This deck describes the Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover Administrations, evolving American standards of morality, and the cultural influences of the 1920s.
52  cards
Peacetime FDR 1933 - 1941
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression provided the impetus for Franklin Roosevelt’s unprecedented expansion of the federal government. This deck describes domestic affairs and foreign policy during Roosevelt’s first two terms in office.
51  cards
Wartime FDR 1941 - 1945
Involvement in the Second World War, both abroad and on the home front, signaled vast changes in American culture and values. This deck covers early American involvement in the War through the conflict’s end in 1945.
31  cards
Truman 1945 - 1951
In the post-WWII world, America faced a new enemy in the Soviet Union. This deck describes the beginnings of Cold War tensions, and efforts to rebuild Europe and Japan.
42  cards
Eisenhower 1952 - 1961
Popularly viewed as an idyllic time in American history, the 1950s saw the beginnings of the civil rights movement, continued struggles with the Soviet Union, and the rise of the military-industrial complex. This deck describes the foreign and domestic issues facing the country during the Eisenhower years.
34  cards
Kennedy + Johnson 1961 - 1968
The election of John F. Kennedy seemed full of promise to many Americans, but the decade saw tumultuous domestic upheavals, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the struggle for civil rights and American involvement in Vietnam. This deck covers events from Kennedy’s inauguration through Johnson’s Great Society.
50  cards
Nixon + Ford 1969 - 1976
While President Nixon’s foreign policy efforts earned praise from admirers and critics alike, the Watergate Scandal tarnished the Presidency, and America entered a period of economic malaise. The administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter are described, covering the period from 1968-1979.
31  cards
Carter + Reagan 1977 - 1988
Elected in 1980, President Ronald Reagan promised Morning in America. This deck details the birth of the conservative movement, Reagan’s foreign and domestic policies, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the Persian Gulf War.
34  cards
Bush Sr. + Clinton 1989 - 2000
Although the post-Reagan era is not a significant part of the AP U.S. History exam, this deck provides an overview of the Clinton and Bush Presidencies as America worked to define itself as the world's sole superpower.
30  cards
Bush Jr. + Obama 2001- 2016
This deck describes the efforts of Southerners to rebuild their economy and offset African American civil and political advances in the years after Reconstruction.
25  cards

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