European History 101

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Investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from the Late Middle Ages through to the Cold War with these comprehensive European History 101 flashcards, compiled using top textbooks, test banks, tutors, and practice exams. Study online or in Brainscape’s mobile app and get ready to ace your European History 101 exam!

Brainscape has distilled the entire European History 101 curriculum down into a comprehensive collection of over 660 digital flashcards. These have been neatly organized into 19 topical decks that you can study anytime, anywhere via the Brainscape website or app for Android or iOS. All your progress will automatically sync between devices.

The ultimate tool to for European History 101 test prep

Brainscape is the ultimate study tool for content-heavy exams like European History 101, helping not only to simplify the content into its constituent facts but also delivering these in a way that makes them so much more efficient, easy, and convenient to learn and remember. In fact, our adaptive learning platform is scientifically proven to help students learn material twice as fast as traditional study methods!

Curated by our team of leading history experts, professors, examiners, and top students, and in strict accordance with the latest test materials and outline, our European History 101 flashcards are the perfect study supplement to help you memorize the facts and ace the exam. So join the thousands of top students who have used Brainscape to earn top scores on all their history exams!

Brainscape’s European History 101 flashcard collection:

  • Contains over 660+ cards across 19 decks.
  • Puts an efficient review of the most important European History facts and concepts at your fingertips in the Brainscape platform.
  • Helps you also learn the context and significance of these critical historical events.
  • Targets especially those issues tested most frequently on college and HS exams.
  • Personalizes how you spend your study time to focus on weaknesses, while also ensuring that you retain knowledge from earlier in the year.

Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of history content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

Time to master the foundations of European History!

Decks in this class (19)

The Late Middle Ages
This deck describes the state of religion, culture, and government in the Late Middle Ages.
24  cards
The Renaissance
The Renaissance began in Italy before spreading northward to influence the rest of Europe. This deck covers the Renaissance’s birth in Italy, its cultural underpinnings, and its effect throughout Europe.
41  cards
The Age of Exploration
In the 15th century, powerful states began to develop with significant power concentrated in the hands of monarchs. This deck covers the growth of these powerful monarchies and their exploratory efforts in both Asia and the New World.
34  cards
The Reformation
Challenges to the Catholic Church’s hegemonic power over European religious life began in earnest with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. This deck reviews the growth of the Reformation, leading lights such as Luther and Calvin, and the Catholic Church’s Counter-Reformation.
43  cards
The Wars of Religion
Disputes between Protestants and Catholics were not merely questions of religious doctrine, but became temporal conflicts. This deck reviews the fearful carnage that ensued from wars between religious factions, culminating in the Thirty Years’ War.
32  cards
The Growth of Constitutionalism
The end of the Thirty Years’ War brought about the modern nation-state. This deck describes the birth of constitutional government in the Dutch Republic and England.
42  cards
Absolutism in France
According to legend, France's King Louis XIV said, “L'État, c'est moi." This deck reviews the growth of the monarchy in France as an atypical form of absolutist government.
15  cards
The Enlightenment
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the seeds sown during the Renaissance began to flower as new scientific methodology took hold. This deck covers the Scientific Revolution's luminaries such as Bacon and Newton, as well as the growth of the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason.
26  cards
Eastern Europe & Balance of Power
Much like France, Eastern Europe developed its own system of absolutism. Monarchs such as Frederick the Great, Marie Therese, and Catherine the Great ruled as enlightened despots, coupling the Enlightenment’s principle of rational government with absolutism. This deck, which reviews the growth of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, also introduces the concept of balance of power, which would guide European diplomacy for centuries.
30  cards
The French Revolution
Like nothing before or since, the French Revolution marked a new chapter in the evolution of Europe. This deck describes the causes of the French Revolution, its outbreak and excesses, and the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.
43  cards
The Concert of Europe
After the defeat of France in the Napoleonic Wars, the major European powers worked together to maintain peace and harmony on the Continent. This deck covers the diplomatic efforts to ensure that conservatism and gradual change remained triumphant in European affairs, as well as the Revolutions of 1848.
46  cards
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution, the increased urbanization of industrial societies, posed challenges and presented opportunities for both government and culture. This deck reviews the efforts of civil authorities to cope with the challenges of industrialization, the rise of realism, and the efforts of political theorists to respond to the new challenges.
47  cards
Nationalism & Realpolitik
As the nations of Italy and Germany unified, nationalism and realpolitik dominated European diplomacy and national rhetoric. This deck covers the Italian and German reunification, the rise of nationalism, and the troubling portents for Europe’s future.
32  cards
The Road to the Great War
In the late 19th century, Europe enjoyed peace and prosperity, but troubling currents would soon lead to the outbreak of the Great War. This deck covers the important trends of the late 19th century, including both scientific advancements and Russian domestic troubles.
26  cards
World War One
The First World War rocked the European psyche and changed the landscape of Europe. This deck describes imperialism, the outbreak of war, and the results of four years of total war.
45  cards
Europe After Versailles
The First World War was supposed to be the “war that ended all wars,” but the Treaty of Versailles created more problems than it solved. This deck covers the period of the 1920s and the problems that arose out of efforts to treat the trauma of the First World War.
45  cards
World War Two
The Second World War laid waste to much of Europe. This deck reviews the rise of totalitarianism, the ineffectual nature of the League of Nations, and the six years of total war.
28  cards
The Cold War
After the Second World War’s end, the Soviet Union emerged as the dominant power in Europe, countered only by the United States' protection of Western European democracies. This deck describes the Cold War and its effect on European government.
42  cards
Europe in the Post-Soviet Era
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of the European Union presented both opportunities and challenges for European government. This deck reviews the events which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the establishment of close cooperation between the powers of Western Europe, and the challenges facing Europe in the 21st century.
20  cards

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