Haitian Creole

Drill yourself on Creole words and phrases with the world's smartest web & mobile flashcards.

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The most efficient way to learn Creole words.

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Study 290+ of the most common Haitian Creole words and phrases you’ll come across in conversation with any Haitian with this helpful collection of Haitian Creole flashcards, compiled by nonprofit organization Burn Advocates Network for foreign aid workers.

The ultimate study tool for Haitian Creole words

Looking for a fast, effective way to learn 290+ Haitian Creole phrases? Here it is! With content created by Burn Advocates Network, our adaptive learning platform delivers audio flashcards with words and phrases that are likely to be needed by visitors to Haiti. These will help you quickly master the basic native phrases, which can help aid workers focus on efficient aid delivery -- and any non-native speaker to communicate a bit more effectively!

Brainscape's Haitian Creole class (with AUDIO) covers 290 of the most common words and phrases, which have been neatly organized into 8 topical decks that you can study anytime, anywhere via the Brainscape website or app for Android or iOS. All your progress will automatically sync between devices.

How Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of French Creole content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

With Brainscape’s Haitian Creole course, you get:

  • +290 Audio flashcards across 8 decks full of essential phrases and vocabulary.
  • The ability to improve your Creole knowledge faster than any other program.
  • Study tools that are fun and convenient to use.
  • A better understanding of how your brain learns best so you can learn concepts efficiently.
  • Flashcards tested among hundreds of top teachers & students before being published.
  • Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
  • In-sync studying across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS and Android devices.

Grab this subject and become proficient in Haitian Creole!

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Study scores of words and phrases most likely to come up in conversation, FOR FREE. Want the complete collection of French Creole flashcards? Unlock it all for the price of a Starbucks latte.

The smartest study system.

Brainscape's adaptive, web & mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

Easy to add your own flashcards.

Easily collaborate with friends and sync your flashcards to the Brainscape mobile app.

Free to start or $8/mo for full access.

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