Being fluent in medical Spanish enables you to understand and be understood by the Spanish-speaking patients you care for while making you a great candidate for professional travel opportunities in Spanish-speaking countries all over the world. And by optimizing your study time with spaced repetition, Brainscape’s complete collection of Medical Spanish flashcards will get you to fluency as fast as humanly possible!
What to expect from Brainscape’s Medical Spanish flashcards
Through Brainscape’s collaboration with the Spanish language educators and medical experts of Amolingua—led by experienced linguist Ekaterina Matveeva—we curated these 57 decks of 1,700+ medical Spanish flashcards to make your learning journey fast, impeccably organized, accessible, and engaging.
What you’ll learn from these Medical Spanish flashcards is how to:
- Speak (and understand) a smorgasbord of complex medical Spanish vocabulary;
Communicate medical Spanish terminology, conditions, care instructions, and diagnoses with patients;
- Speak with confidence to professional foreign-language colleagues;
- Study for and ace any medical Spanish exam; and, overall…
- Improve your standard and efficacy of care for your Spanish-speaking patients.
The medical Spanish terminology presented in this class is a distilled-down compilation of resources that include William C. Harvey’s “Spanish for Health Care Professionals”; the Centre for Disease Control (CDC); the Diccionario de Enfermedades; the Cleveland Clinic Health Library; and the National Heart, Blood & Lung Institute.
The goal of these Medical Spanish flashcards is to equip you with the vocabulary and deep understanding necessary to better communicate your services, diagnoses, and care instructions to your patients, as well as the other doctors and healthcare providers you work with. And, if you plan on taking any exams, our Medical Spanish flashcards will help you study for those too!
Advice for getting the most out of this medical Spanish flashcards
As a budding or current healthcare professional, we bet you already have a lot of other responsibilities and learning to manage, so here are our best tips for getting the most out of our Medical Spanish flashcards…
1. Study a little bit every day
The key to learning Medical Spanish terminology fast is investing time every single day to practice, practice, practice the new vocabulary and phrases our flashcards teach you. Even if you can only spare 15 minutes here, 5 minutes there, that time adds up and compounds. Use those little opportunities throughout your day to work through a 10-flashcard study round and, before long, those complex medical terms and phrases will start flowing right off your tongue.
2. Be stingy with the 5’s
Every time you rate your confidence in a medical Spanish term, you instruct Brainscape’s spaced repetition algorithm how frequently to show you that card again. The higher you rate a card on that scale of 1 to 5, the longer it’ll be until you’ll see it again. This is how the app drills you on your weaknesses, while saving you time on the terminology you’re confident in. Just make sure that you only rate a card a ‘5’ when you are 100% sure you’ll never, ever forget it again.
3. Join the community!
Find Brainscape on Instagram and our Medical and Language channels on YouTube, where, every day, we share our best advice on how to rise to your challenge by optimizing your learning and life habits.
Also join us on Discord, where people learning medicine and languages with Brainscape hang out every day! Importantly, you could find a foreign-language partner who you can practice your conversation skills with.
So, whether you’re a trained healthcare professional with ambitions of moving to or volunteering in a Spanish-speaking country, or simply want to better serve the Spanish-speaking people in your home country, download Brainscape’s Medical Spanish flashcards right now to rise to the challenge of a thrilling and fulfilling career in healthcare!
Additional free resources for students learning medical Spanish vocabulary: