Brainscape Nursing Maternity consists of 300+ flashcards that cover the most important, high-yield concepts taught in nursing schools and popular textbook resources like Saunders, Lippincott, HESI, Potter & Perry, Taylor, and many others. This will equip you with the knowledge you need to crush your Nursing Maternity class and, one day, to deliver an impeccable standard of care to expecting parents.
The ultimate Nursing Maternity review tool, covering the top test prep resources
From prenatal care, laboring women, and newborn infants to the unique diagnostic tests and interventions required, Nursing Maternity is a high-stakes topic that you’ll need to devote much time and attention to.
These flashcards will empower you to rise to that very challenge!
Our team of nursing educators—led by the famous Justine Buick ("The NCLEX Tutor")—have scoured the most popular Nursing Maternity prep resources, textbooks, and review courses, as well as real questions from past nursing school tests and exams to ensure that we've covered the highest yield concepts you need to know in order to walk into any assessment 100% confident and prepared.
With Brainscape Nursing Maternity, you get:
- 300+ Flashcards that cover the highest-yield Nursing Maternity concepts, with all the fluff left out.
- Peace of mind as we’ve covered the top nursing school textbooks and review courses, such as Saunders, Lippincott, Potter & Perry, Taylor, HESI, and more.
- Prioritization and ABCs flashcards to quickly test you on priority topics for “Who Do You See First” questions.
- Illustrations for visual learners.
- Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
- In-sync studying across Brainscape’s website and all your iOS devices.
- Additional nursing maternity study guides in our Nursing Academy.
How Brainscape’s Nursing Maternity flashcards help you learn faster and remember for longer
The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.
Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the [spaced repetition of Nursing Maternity content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.
Additional free resources for nursing students:
- Read: How to study in nursing school (and pass with flying colors)
- Practice: Try out our NCLEX practice test questions
- Watch: How to use Brainscape in nursing school
- Explore: Brainscape’s YouTube channel for nurses and medical healthcare professionals
- Get: Brainscape’s nursing school study planners and exam countdown sheets
Now go master Nursing Maternity with confidence!