Learn Spanish

Learn 4 years of Spanish in just a few months with Brainscape’s Spanish vocabulary flashcards.

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The fastest way to achieve fluency in Spanish.

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Put your Spanish language mastery on the fast track with Brainscape’s Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and conjugation flashcards, the product of hundreds of hours of curriculum creation by the world's top linguists and publishers.

Our Learn Spanish Vocabulary, Grammar, and Conjugation flashcards make mastering new vocabulary (including pronunciation), grammatical rules, and verb conjugations as efficient, convenient, and painless as humanly possible, bringing you up to speed on four years’ worth of Spanish in just a few months!

The most powerful Spanish vocabulary flashcards for learning Spanish fast

Most people waste a huge amount of time learning Spanish with inefficient methods. Brainscape is the app to help you learn Spanish more efficiently because we adopted a practical progression of concepts. Have you ever sat in a Spanish class learning about the most common farm animals and thought ‘When will I ever need this?’. You won’t get that with Brainscape. We painstakingly ordered the Spanish grammar and vocabulary from most practical (most likely needed in basic conversation) to most specific throughout the entire program.

Boosting language acquisition with cognitive science

As much as we'd like to think that we can improve our Spanish by watching movies or just being dumped in the right country, our brains are proven to best absorb new language concepts one-at-a-time, in small increments.

That’s why we drive home your language learning abilities using Intelligent Cumulative Exposure (ICE). This is a system of incrementally introducing concepts of gradually increasing levels of difficulty, in the context of REAL sentences, while also repeating the tough concepts at the right intervals of time based on your confidence levels.

This might seem like the logical way to go about teaching a language but there are NO apps that apply the simple ICE method. Why? Because creating a comprehensive curriculum based on this method takes WORK, and most app developers are more concerned with flashy software than with actual learning sciences.


Brainscape’s flashcards app helps you learn faster

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of Spanish content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

With Brainscape's Learn Spanish, you get:

  • A carefully tailored curriculum that builds on previous concepts and guides you from beginner to conversational at your own pace.
  • The equivalent of four years’ worth of high school Spanish classes.
  • Over 10,000 audio flashcards for the most common Spanish words, phrases, and sentence constructions.
  • Brainscape's adaptive, spaced repetition system that we call Intelligent Cumulative Exposure.
  • Simple explanations for key grammatical concepts and the most common verb conjugations.
  • Ongoing feedback, statistics, and visualization tools to help you track your progress.
  • A network of thousands of other learners who support each other's learning every day.
  • Additional guides for learning Spanish.

Now go forth and study Spanish!

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Browse these flashcards.

Spanish Level 1

Study commonly used Spanish words and phrases, as well as grammatical concepts including gender, the present tense, and the immediate future tense.

1.1 Lesson
Learn the basic functioning of nouns, adjectives, articles, pronouns, gender, and the verb SER ("to be").
52  cards
1.1.1 Vocab Enrichment
Learn some common verbs as well as vocabulary terms related to basic math and comparatives. This roughly covers cards 300-360 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
65  cards
1.1.2 Vocab Enrichment
This deck covers basic words and phrases having to do with both school and time. This roughly covers cards 360-430 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
65  cards
1.2 Lesson
Regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the present tense
81  cards
1.2.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck introduces very basic terms dealing with travel and clothes. This roughly covers cards 430-480 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
52  cards
1.2.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to memorize a variety of terms dealing with topics such as comparatives, superlatives, age, speech, and school. This roughly covers cards 480-530 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
53  cards
1.2.3 Verbs Practice
Conjugations of common regular verbs (+ the verb Ser) in the present tense
38  cards
1.3 Lesson
Numbers, school, and the present tense of the verb IR ("to go")
34  cards
1.3.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents basic vocab terms about food. This roughly covers cards 530-590 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
56  cards
1.3.2 Vocab Enrichment
This deck introduces beginner-level body and health words. This roughly covers cards 590-660 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
72  cards
1.4 Lesson
Adjectives to describe physical and mental state, and the common verb ESTAR
40  cards
1.4.1 Vocab Enrichment
Among other topics, this vocab deck covers basic animal and nature words. This roughly covers cards 660-720 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
57  cards
1.4.2 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck, you will learn some basic verbs along with words and phrases dealing with time and the state of being inside vs. outside. This roughly covers cards 720-780 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
64  cards
1.5 Lesson
The present progressive verb tense, common prepositions to describe location, and relationship
46  cards
1.5.1 Vocab Enrichment
Learn words dealing with life, age, singing, and school. This roughly covers cards 780-840 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
55  cards
1.5.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn vocabulary terms about sleep, sound, and taste, among other topics. This roughly covers cards 840-890 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
50  cards
1.6 Lesson
Possessive adjectives and pronouns, diminutives, family relationships, and the common verb TENER ("to have")
108  cards
1.6.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck introduces basic words and phrases having to do with weather and business. This roughly covers cards 890-960 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
71  cards
1.6.2 Vocab Enrichment
Learn vocabulary covering such topics as change, color, direction, and drinks. This roughly covers cards 960-1020 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
58  cards
1.7 Lesson
Common irregular verbs in the present tense
127  cards
1.7.1 Vocab Enrichment
Here you will learn terms that deal with, among other things, emotion, home, and importance. This roughly covers cards 1020-1070 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
53  cards
1.7.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn words and phrases dealing with a variety of themes, including length, love, and intelligence. This roughly covers cards 1070-1140 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
67  cards
1.8 Lesson
More irregular present tense verbs, with focus on the common verbs HACER ("to do/make"), DECIR ("to say"), VENIR ("to come"), and OIR ("to hear")
50  cards
1.8.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck contains a range of basic vocabulary, including fundamental technology terms. This roughly covers cards 1140-1200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
60  cards
1.8.2 Vocab Enrichment
A variety of vocabulary is covered here, including words dealing with light and movement. This roughly covers cards 1200-1260 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
62  cards
1.8.3 Verbs Practice
Common irregular present + stem-changing verbs, plus more regular present tense verbs
69  cards
1.9 Lesson
Weather, comparatives, and more usage of the verb HACER ("to do/make")
59  cards
1.9.1 Vocab Enrichment
The main themes of this deck are basic sports and speech vocabulary. This roughly covers cards 1260-1340 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
79  cards
1.9.2 Vocab Enrichment
Common travel-related words make up the majority of this deck. This roughly covers cards 1340-1400 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
64  cards
1.10 Lesson
The immediate future tense and some useful vocabulary to describe foods and restaurant activities
74  cards
1.10.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck introduces commonly used words dealing with washing/cleaning, winning/losing, and the basics of art. This roughly covers cards 1400-1460 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
57  cards
1.10.2 Vocab Enrichment
Most of this deck is focused on basic vocabulary relating to countries. This roughly covers cards 1460-1540 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
80  cards
1.11 Spanish Listening Practice
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
101  cards
1.12 Spanish Translation Practice
This deck serves as a way to both develop your translation skills and learn a wide range of common colloquial Spanish phrases.
77  cards
Spanish Level 2

Drill yourself on intermediate Spanish vocabulary and grammatical concepts such as direct and indirect objects and the imperfect, preterite, and imperative tenses.

2.1 Lesson
The prepositions POR vs PARA and some more restaurant vocabulary
59  cards
2.1.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck covers terms dealing with distance, fear, and furniture. This roughly covers cards 1540-1580 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
44  cards
2.1.2 Vocab Enrichment
The majority of this deck deals with grammar words. This roughly covers cards 1580-1650 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
74  cards
2.2 Lesson
Telling time, days, months, and ordinal numbers
85  cards
2.2.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck deals with many general topics of vocab words, chief among them luck, mail, possibility, and honesty. This roughly covers cards 1650-1740 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
83  cards
2.2.2 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents vocab terms dealing with religion, courage, and buildings. This roughly covers cards 1740-1820 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
77  cards
2.3 Lesson
The preterite (past) verb tense, "here" and "there" recap, and demonstrative adjectives
108  cards
2.3.1 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck, you'll learn a series of computer and entertainment words. This roughly covers cards 1820-1900 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
82  cards
2.3.2 Vocab Enrichment
The vocab in this deck deals for the most part with exercise, geography, and hair. This roughly covers cards 1900-1990 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
90  cards
2.3.3 Verbs Practice
Regular preterite tense verb conjugations
66  cards
2.4 Lesson
Direct and indirect objects, reflexive verbs, and body parts
121  cards
2.4.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents terms covering such topics as jewelry, marriage, math, and memory. This roughly covers cards 1990-2060 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
72  cards
2.4.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn vocab terms dealing with music and organization. This roughly covers cards 2060-2140 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
81  cards
2.5 Lesson
The imperfect (past) verb tense, and the verb ACABAR ("to have just")
57  cards
2.5.1 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck you will learn a variety of social and time words. This roughly covers cards 2140-2230 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
86  cards
2.5.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to memorize vocabulary dealing with a range of topics like argument, belief, care, and cause. This roughly covers cards 2230-2300 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
69  cards
2.5.3 Verbs Practice
Common imperfect tense verb conjugations
72  cards
2.6 Lesson
GUSTAR ("to like") and similar verbs, clothing, colors, and other key vocabulary
69  cards
2.6.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck mostly contains intermediate vocabulary about clothes, along with comparison words. This roughly covers cards 2300-2380 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
85  cards
2.6.2 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck you will find terms and phrases that have to do with guessing, hurry, imagination, improvement, and negation. This roughly covers cards 2380-2460 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
77  cards
2.7 Lesson
Common verbs irregular in the preterite (past) tense
53  cards
2.7.1 Vocab Enrichment
Learn vocabulary terms dealing with a diverse spectrum of topics, from peace and planning to relaxation and speed. This roughly covers cards 2460-2540 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
84  cards
2.7.2 Vocab Enrichment
This vocab deck touches on such topics as surprise, trouble, habit, agreement, and nature. This roughly covers cards 2540-2600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
71  cards
2.7.3 Verbs Practice
Common irregular preterite tense verb conjugations (and other preterite practice)
80  cards
2.8 Lesson
The imperative verb tense, transportation, and directions
93  cards
2.8.1 Vocab Enrichment
Here, you will learn words related to books, convenience, diet, drugs, and energy. This roughly covers cards 2600-2690 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
66  cards
2.8.2 Vocab Enrichment
This deck focuses on intermediate food vocabulary. This roughly covers cards 2690-2790 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
97  cards
2.9 Lesson
A quick introduction to the present perfect, past perfect, and conditional.
71  cards
2.9.1 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents more intermediate food-related terms. This roughly covers cards 2790-2850 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
66  cards
2.9.2 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn basic vocab about guns, law, and materials. This roughly covers cards 2850-2940 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
88  cards
2.9.3 Vocab Enrichment
This deck contains intermediate people words, as well as a group of terms dealing with possession. This roughly covers cards 2940-3000 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
57  cards
2.9.4 Verbs Practice
Common verb conjugations in the present perfect, pluperfect, future, and conditional tenses
100  cards
2.10 Spanish Listening Practice
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
119  cards
2.11 Spanish Translation Practice
This deck serves as a way to both develop your translation skills and learn a wide range of common colloquial Spanish phrases.
130  cards
Spanish Level 3

Master the subjunctive mood and more advanced Spanish vocabulary terms, along with common proverbs and idioms.

3.1 Lesson
This deck provides a quick introduction to the present subjunctive.
51  cards
3.1.1 Vocab Enrichment
Learn words and phrases having to do with such themes as sex, shapes, acceptance, and advice. This roughly covers cards 3000-3200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
162  cards
3.1.2 Vocab Enrichment
Here, many vocabulary topics are covered, from terms about babies, control, and culture to words pertaining to reduction vs. augmentation. This roughly covers cards 3200-3300 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
100  cards
3.1.3 Vocab Enrichment
This deck covers intermediate body and health words. This roughly covers cards 3300-3460 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
163  cards
3.1.4 Vocab Enrichment
This deck is devoted to intermediate school-related vocabulary. This roughly covers cards 3460-3600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
138  cards
3.1.5 Vocab Enrichment
The vocab in this deck pertains to such varied topics as stress, success, and behavior. You will also find intermediate animal and basic astronomy vocab. This roughly covers cards 3600-3800 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
188  cards
3.1.6 Vocab Enrichment
Learn and memorize terms dealing with comfort, fame, royalty, and mood. This roughly covers cards 3800-4000 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
206  cards
3.1.7 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck, you will learn terms pertaining to survival, accidents, and basic tools, as well as intermediate vocabulary dealing with age. This roughly covers cards 4000-4200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
198  cards
3.1.8 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn advanced family-related words, along with terms about competition and crime. This roughly covers cards 4200-4400 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
178  cards
3.1.9 Verbs Practice
Common verb conjugations in the present subjunctive mood
80  cards
3.2 Lesson
This deck provides a quick introduction to the imperfect subjunctive.
22  cards
3.2.1 Vocab Enrichment
The main themes of the vocabulary in this deck are government, happy vs. sad emotions, cosmetics, and motivation. This roughly covers cards 4400-4600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
215  cards
3.2.2 Vocab Enrichment
Included in this deck are intermediate terms about weather, trust, worth, bias, and science. This roughly covers cards 4600-4800 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
214  cards
3.2.3 Vocab Enrichment
This deck deals mostly with intermediate business vocabulary. This roughly covers cards 4800-4970 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
166  cards
3.2.4 Vocab Enrichment
Here, you will learn a variety of intermediate entertainment and geography words. This roughly covers cards 4970-5200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
228  cards
3.2.5 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents advanced vocabulary about possibility and intermediate vocabulary about art. This roughly covers cards 5200-5400 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
199  cards
3.2.6 Vocab Enrichment
Here, you will find intermediate computer and math words, as well as vocab pertaining to drinks. This roughly covers cards 5400-5600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
202  cards
3.2.7 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn intermediate technology and travel vocab. This roughly covers cards 5600-5800 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
189  cards
3.2.8 Vocab Enrichment
This vocab deck includes advanced alcohol, book, and clothes words. This roughly covers cards 5800-6000 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
209  cards
3.2.9 Vocab Enrichment
This deck touches on basic military terminology, as well as other topics such as magic and optimism. This roughly covers cards 6000-6200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
199  cards
3.2.10 Verbs Practice
Common verb conjugations in the imperfect subjunctive mood
64  cards
3.3 Spanish Listening Practice
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
205  cards
3.4 Spanish Translation Practice
This deck serves as a way to both develop your translation skills and learn a wide range of common colloquial Spanish phrases.
150  cards
3.5 Spanish Proverbs
Learn the Spanish counterparts to over 100 of the most common proverbs.
104  cards
3.6 Spanish Idioms
Use this deck to learn the Spanish translations to some of the most common idioms.
37  cards
3.7 Spanish False Friends
This deck presents many of the most common English-to-Spanish mistranslations.
63  cards
Spanish Level 4

Review our most advanced Spanish vocabulary and learn about Spanish and Latin American pop culture and history.

4.1.1 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn intermediate religion vocabulary, as well as advanced school- and building-related terms. This roughly covers cards 6200-6400 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
205  cards
4.1.2 Vocab Enrichment
This deck contains of wide variety of vocab topics, from decoration, sailing, and intelligence to (intermediate) music and (advanced) exercise. This roughly covers cards 6400-6600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
187  cards
4.1.3 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck, you will find intermediate sports terms, advanced astronomy vocab, and words dealing with several other topics, including desire and plants. This roughly covers cards 6600-6800 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
208  cards
4.1.4 Vocab Enrichment
Learn advanced food words, along with vocab having to do with change and ethics. This roughly covers cards 6800-7050 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
245  cards
4.1.5 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to memorize ocean-related vocab, as well as terms about pity and regret. This roughly covers cards 7050-7200 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
157  cards
4.1.6 Vocab Enrichment
This deck contains terms dealing with the zodiac, along with advanced vocabulary about time and animals. This roughly covers cards 7200-7400 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
198  cards
4.1.7 Vocab Enrichment
This deck presents advanced vocab dealing with directions, emotions, and luck. This roughly covers cards 7400-7600 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
202  cards
4.1.8 Vocab Enrichment
In this deck, you will learn advanced vocabulary about sound, certainty, and geography. This roughly covers cards 7600-7800 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
207  cards
4.1.9 Vocab Enrichment
Learn intermediate vocab dealing with countries, as well as advanced terms related to home and materials. This roughly covers cards 7800-8020 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
214  cards
4.1.10 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
106  cards
4.1.11 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
121  cards
4.1.12 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
112  cards
4.1.13 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
109  cards
4.1.14 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
112  cards
4.1.15 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
109  cards
4.1.16 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
113  cards
4.1.17 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
111  cards
4.1.18 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
111  cards
4.2.1 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn advanced law, sleep, and travel words. This roughly covers cards 8020-8220 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
193  cards
4.2.2 Vocab Enrichment
This vocabulary deck contains advanced entertainment and music words. This roughly covers cards 8220-8420 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
213  cards
4.2.3 Vocab Enrichment
Learn and memorize advanced vocabulary about religion, sports, and weather. This roughly covers cards 8420-8650 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
217  cards
4.2.4 Vocab Enrichment
This deck covers advanced body- and health-related vocab. This roughly covers cards 8650-8850 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
204  cards
4.2.5 Vocab Enrichment
This deck covers varied topics and includes advanced nature and agriculture terms, advanced crime and hair vocab, and very advanced food words. This roughly covers cards 8850-9000 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
154  cards
4.2.6 Vocab Enrichment
Use this deck to learn advanced vocabulary dealing with math, technology, art, the military, and countries. This roughly covers cards 9000-9300 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
289  cards
4.2.7 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
111  cards
4.2.8 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
109  cards
4.2.9 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
109  cards
4.2.10 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
109  cards
4.2.11 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
111  cards
4.2.12 Verbs Practice
Lots of verbs and tenses mixed up, for serious conjugation practice
106  cards
4.3 Spanish Listening Practice
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
143  cards
4.4 Spanish Translation Practice
This deck serves as a way to both develop your translation skills and learn a wide range of common colloquial Spanish phrases.
109  cards
4.5 Famous Movies' Spanish Titles
This deck highlights the varying degrees to which major film titles have been translated in Spanish-speaking countries.
48  cards
4.6 Latin American History
Improve your knowledge of Latin American history by studying this deck, which is entirely in Spanish!
19  cards
4.7 Spanish History
Make sure you know the basics of Spanish history by studying this deck, presented entirely in Spanish.
19  cards
4.8 Spanish Countries & Capitals
Quiz yourself on the names and capitals of all the world's Spanish-speaking countries and territories.
40  cards
4.9 Spanish Pop Culture
This deck, written in Spanish, presents over 30 of the most famous pop culture figures from the Spanish-speaking world.
38  cards

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