World History 101

Learn about World History with the world's most effective web & mobile flashcards.

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Your panoramic window on World History.

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Investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from humankind’s prehistory to the rise of civilizations with these comprehensive World History flashcards, compiled using top textbooks, test banks, tutors, and practice exams. Study online or in Brainscape’s mobile app and get ready to ace your World History 101 exam!

Brainscape has distilled the entire World History 101 curriculum down into a comprehensive collection of over 390 digital World History flashcards. These have been neatly organized into 9 topical decks that you can study anytime, anywhere via the Brainscape website or app for Android or iOS. All your progress will automatically sync between devices.

The ultimate tool for World History 101 test prep

Brainscape is the ultimate study tool for content-heavy exams like World History 101, helping not only to simplify the content into its constituent facts but also delivering these in a way that makes them so much more efficient, easy, and convenient to learn and remember. In fact, our adaptive learning platform is scientifically proven to help students learn World History twice as fast as traditional study methods!

Curated by our team of leading history experts, professors, examiners, and top students, and in strict accordance with the latest test materials and outline, our World History study guide flashcards are the perfect study supplement to help you memorize the facts and ace the exam. So join the thousands of top students who have used Brainscape to earn top scores on all their history exams!

Brainscape’s World History study guide flashcard collection:

  • Contains over 390+ cards across 9 decks.
  • Puts an efficient review of the most important World History facts and concepts at your fingertips in the Brainscape platform.
  • Helps you also learn the context and significance of these critical historical events.
  • Targets especially those issues tested most frequently on college and high school exams.
  • Personalizes how you spend your study time to focus on weaknesses, while also ensuring that you retain knowledge from earlier in the year.

Brainscape helps you learn faster and remember for longer

The brain is hardwired to learn and remember information a certain way. The Brainscape™ flashcard app was born out of the question: what if we leveraged this hardwiring to help students learn more efficiently? Fueled by curiosity, our team of cognitive scientists from Columbia and Yale spent years developing a scientifically optimized learning platform to boost your learning.

Our "secret sauce" is a learning algorithm that delivers information to your brain in a way that optimizes its ability to retain that information. And it’s the spaced repetition of World History 101 content at precisely the right interval for YOUR brain that makes Brainscape so effective for remembering the facts.

Time to master the foundations of World History!

Decks in this class (9)

Prehistory refers to the world before the written word. This deck provides an underpinning in world geography, early human development, and the rise of the first cities.
44  cards
The River Civilizations
The earliest civilizations arose along rivers. This deck decribes the foundation of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, and Chinese civilization.
41  cards
Early Religion and Thought
Ranging from the polytheism of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to the monotheism of the Jews, this deck describes World History's earliest religions.
45  cards
States and Empires
This deck describes the development of the world's first empires in Greece, Rome, India, and China.
52  cards
Europe: the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
From the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the rise of Italian city-states, this deck traces European history through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
60  cards
The Islamic World
Rising in the 600s, Islamic forces quickly dominated much of the Middle East. This deck describes Middle Eastern and African history through the 1400s.
28  cards
East Asia from 200 to 1250
The history of East Asia from 200 to 1250 is the focus of this deck, including the histories of China, India, and Japan.
29  cards
The Americas and Early Colonial Efforts
Following the Spanish discovery of the New World in 1492, Europeans quickly conquered much of North and South America. This deck covers the high and low points of the European colonial effort.
46  cards
Europe, Reformation, and Enlightenment
This deck traces European history from the earliest challenges to the Catholic Church's authority during the Reformation to the rise of the secular philosophes and the European Enlightenment.
53  cards

Built for serious learners.

Based on decades of cognitive science research, the Brainscape app is designed to work WITH your brain’s hardwiring to help you learn quicker and remember for much longer.

The smartest study system.

Brainscape's adaptive, web & mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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