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GCSE Exam Notecards

Find thousands of GCSE note cards to study online or in the world's best flashcard app. Learn faster with spaced repetition

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About GCSE Exams on Brainscape

The Best GCSE Exam Preparation

Whatever you choose to do after taking your GCSEs -- whether it is going on to the sixth form to study A-levels or starting an apprenticeship -- your GCSE results are the key to your future. You want to get the best grades you can. Studying effectively is the way to get ahead and prepare yourself for upcoming exams.  And Brainscape is here to help.

Perfect GCSE Prep For Both AQA And Edexcel

Dependent on whether you are studying for the Edexcel GCSE or the AQA GCSE, there can be a difference in the syllabus. The exam boards vary somewhat with different topics covered, so it is important to study the right one.

Brainscape has note cards aligned for both sets of outlines. For nearly all of the GCSE subjects there are Brainscape has note cards available. Each notecard is carefully divided into topics. So whether you are revising for GCSE Geography, studying GCSE French, preparing for GCSE Chemistry, or practising GCSE Mathematics, you can choose the topic you wish to access and learn about.

For example, when studying GCSE History, you can then choose the note cards you wish to study, such as “The Battle Of Britain” or “The Jarrow Crusades.” You can study thousands of note cards for free and upgrade to Pro if you want unlimited access.

Study Tips For GCSE Exams

When you are studying for your GCSE exams, you will have to make time for revision and plan your time effectively. You will need to set out a timetable as to when each exam is and plan your revision around that.

That means that you have to make time each day for revision and time for relaxation. It is important to allocate time for each subject and perhaps focus more on weaker subjects. Revision is not just about cramming information and facts; completing practice papers is also important. However, we do know sometimes cramming is where you're at, and if you need it, here's how to cram for a test if you must

It makes sense to study effectively with so much revision to do in the months and weeks before sitting your exams. Using the AQA and GCSE notecards on the Brainscape website can help you complement your revision and not waste time.

The Best GCSE Study Guides

Lengthy notes have been proven to be an ineffective way to study. The information can be difficult to digest, and recall can be poor. You need to chunk the knowledge into smaller bite-sized pieces so you can make it adaptive.

The note cards on the Brainscape website and mobile app are simple to follow question and answer style. For example, if you were revising for GCSE Biology, the note cards are quick and easy Q&A style such as “What is a synapse?” or “What are the three types of neurons?”.

Learn Faster With Smart Note Cards And Spaced Repetition

It's not enough to have a study guide when taking your GCSEs. To fulfill your potential and be your best, you need to be a smart learner.

Spaced repetition -- a method developed by learning scientists -- is a great way to learn effectively. Spaced repetition is a method whereby a concept is repeated and studied repeatedly with spaces in between. The concept is based on recurrent exposure to learning a skill or fact.

In addition to recurrent exposure, spacing is important to retain the information for easy recall. Brainscape uses spaced repetition as part of its' unique Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR).

With CBR, not only do you see a notecard that allows you to memorize that fact, but you also rate your confidence as to how well you knew the answer, with a score from 1-5. Based on your confidence rating, Brainscape's’ study algorithm determines how soon to show you the card again, with low-confidence items being repeated more frequently until you have reported a higher rating.

For example, imagine you were learning GCSE French verbs, and you were asked to recall the verb “to eat.” If you could not remember the French word at all, you might rate yourself a “1”. That would have the effect of the notecard being repeated perhaps five or ten times, until the next time when you might feel more confident in recalling it and rate your confidence as a “2” now. The notecard would then be repeated less frequently.

Yet perhaps you were super confident and knew right away that the French word for “to eat” is “manger” and rated yourself a “5”. That means it would not be repeated frequently, allowing you to concentrate on weaker areas and learn more effectively.  You are essentially optimizing your personal learning stream.

Brainscape notecards are free to try, and there are thousands you can study for free. You can also use the software on Brainscape to create your own note cards to aid your own learning experience. So get started with Brainscape today!