a level psychology 2: criminal

This class was created by Brainscape user charisma osborne. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

6.1.1 Brain injury
What is the pfc responsible for p...,
If damaged how could pfc lead to ...,
What is the hypothalamus responsi...
12  cards
6.1.1 Amygdala & Aggression
What is the amygdala responsible for,
What part of the brain is the amy...,
Due to being part of the primitiv...
12  cards
6.1.1 XYY
How is xyy syndrome developed,
What are the,
Physical traits of xyy
10  cards
6.1.1 Eysenck's PEN
What does eysenck s 1977 personal...,
How does the combination of biolo...,
Define extroversion traits
15  cards
6.1.1+6.1.2 Gender & Crime
Explain some differences in male ...,
Describe brain injury in relation...,
Give a rejecting piece of researc...
16  cards
6.1.2 Labelling & SFP
Define labelling,
Define self identity,
Define retrospective labelling
17  cards
6.1.2 Social Learning Theory
Define role model,
3 examples of characteristics of ...,
Give 2 examples of the characteri...
17  cards
6.1.3 Cognitive interview
What do geiselman and fisher 2014...,
What has that cognitive interview...,
What 4 memory models can be used ...
17  cards
6.1.3 Ethical interviewing
What is a previous criticism of p...,
Name the ethical standards for et...,
Describe stage 1 of peace
13  cards
6.1.4 Case formulations
What are the 3 parts of case form...,
When should case formulations be ...,
Describe the 5 rules of case form...
11  cards
6.1.5 CBT/AM & Howells 2005
Who do anger management programme...,
Why would someone be placed on an...,
What is anger management a form of
18  cards
6.1.6 Bio treatment/ Hormone Therapy & Maletsky 2006
Who is testosterone lowering medi...,
What does testosterone lowering m...,
Why might this method be more eth...
20  cards
6.1.7 Factors affecting EWT
What is an eye witness testimony,
Using research demonstrate the im...,
List the 3 factors that may affec...
18  cards
6.1.8 Jury decision making
How many people make up a jury in...,
Who are the jury and how are they...,
Describe the confidentiality of a...
25  cards
6.3.1 Classic- L+P (1974)
Type of method used
21  cards
6.3.4 Contemp- Howells et al (2005)
List 3 examples of the questionna...
13  cards
6.4 Key Q: Is EWT too unreliable to trust?
What is the key question,
Why is this issue important,
Describe how post event informati...
21  cards

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a level psychology 2: criminal

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