a - msra renal and urinary [17]

This class was created by Brainscape user Mollie O. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

[1] Diabetic Nephropathy
What is diabetic nephropathy,
What renal diseases are people wi...,
Is diabetic nephropathy diffuse o...
26  cards
[2] Urinary Tract Stones
What are urinary tract stones als...,
What is urolithiasis,
Where do urinary tract stones form
82  cards
[3] Acute Urinary Retention
What is acute urinary retention,
Is acute urinary retention painful,
What does acute urinary retention...
47  cards
[4] Chronic Kidney Disease
What is chronic kidney disease,
What does the term ckd embrace,
What are the causes of ckd
119  cards
[5] Acute Kidney Injury
What is acute kidney injury defin...,
Why can aki be a medical emergency,
How is aki usually recognised
53  cards
[6] Urinary Tract Infections
What is a urinary tract infection,
What is cystitis,
What is urethritis
42  cards
[7] Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
What of 60 year olds have bph,
What of 80 year olds have bph,
What is bph
45  cards
[8] Glomerulonephritis
What is glomerulonephritis,
What can glomerulonephritis lead to,
How might glomerulonephritis present
100  cards
[9] Prostatitis
What bacteria might be involved i...,
At what age does prostatitis norm...,
What are the symptoms of prostatitis
10  cards
[10] Testicular Torsion
What does testicular torsion usua...,
When does testicular torsion usua...,
What are the symptoms of testicul...
21  cards
[12] Urinary Tract Obstruction
What are the categories of causes...,
What are the luminal causes of ur...,
What are the mural causes of urin...
37  cards
What is pyelonephritis,
What typically causes pyelonephritis,
Who can acute pyelonephritis affect
57  cards
What is epididymitis,
What age is epididymitis most common,
What commonly occurs with epididm...
50  cards
What is urethritis,
How can infectious urethritis be ...,
What causes gonoccocal urethritis
26  cards
What is paraphimosis,
What is paraphimosis most often c...,
What happens is the paraphimosis ...
13  cards
Polycystic Kidney Disease
What are the types of pkd,
What are the genetic abnormalitie...,
What chromosome is affected in pkd1
23  cards
Renal Vascular Disease
What is renal vascular disease,
What do the vast majority of case...,
What of cases of renal vascular d...
21  cards

More about
a - msra renal and urinary [17]

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