This class was created by Brainscape user melissa siemonek. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is the definition of attachment,
Privation is when,
How is daycare a type of seperati...
10  cards
Bowlby's Theory of Attachment
What was bowlbys first phase of a...,
What was bowlbys second phase of ...,
What was bowlbys third phase of a...
19  cards
Mary Ainsworth - The Strange Situation
What is the strange situation,
How many episodes does the proced...,
Who did ainsworth use the ss on
35  cards
Cross Cultural Research into Attachment Types
What did sagi israel study,
What did sagi find,
What did grossman et al 1985 find
12  cards
Cross-cultural Patterns of Attachment: A Meta-Analysis of the Strange Situation (Van IJzendoorn and Krronenberg, 1988)
What was the aim of the meta anal...,
How many studies was data collect...,
What procedure did all the studie...
24  cards
Research into Deprivation, its Effects (Short term and Long term) and Reducing the Negative Effects of Deprivation
What is deprivation,
What is short term deprivation,
What is long term deprivation
13  cards
What is privation,
What are privated children someti...,
What adverse effects are known fr...
24  cards
What does daycare refer to,
What of children under 1 years ol...,
What types of daycare are there
26  cards
Li et al (2013)
What was the general aim,
What did li et al look at,
What was hypothesis 1
25  cards
What is autistic spectrum disorder,
What is a way of defining autism,
What is mild autism
21  cards
Autism - A Theory of Mind (COGNITIVE EXPL.)
What is theory of mind,
What happens when a child has the...,
When does theory of mind develop
29  cards
Autism - An Extreme Male Brain
What does baron cohen 2005 believ...,
What is the extreme male brain ca...,
How do boys and asd boys differ i...
13  cards
What does aba stand for,
What does aba aim to do,
How does aba work
17  cards
What does prt stand for,
What does prt do differently to aba,
What are the focuses of prt
13  cards
UNCRC Guidelines
Why is consent an issue with chil...,
Why is right to withdraw an issue...,
Why is confidentiality an issue w...
25  cards

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a2 child psychology

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