This class was created by Brainscape user Erin Campbell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Greek: Persian War
Herodotus 6115,
Herodotus 6106,
H 6109
17  cards
Greek: Peloponnesian War
Thucydides 428,
He was remarkable amongst the ath...,
20  cards
Rome: Tiberius
Evidence tiberius was a weak succ...,
Evidence tiberius was actually a ...,
Evidence of tiberius s strength w...
25  cards
Rome: Gaius
To what extent was there contentm...,
Bad relationship with the senate,
Relationship with the plebs
6  cards
Rome: Claudius
Evidence claudius tried to have a...,
Evidence claudius had a bad relat...,
Suetonius 15
10  cards
Rome: Augustus
Quotes that show augustus was not...,
Quotes which show augustus was si...,
Evidence the republic was not res...
10  cards
1. 133-88 Background (contextual)
What are the origins of the senat...,
What was the cursus honorem what ...,
Why is it bad if someone takes on...
6  cards
2. Sulla (70s-60s)
Plutarch life of sulla 31,
Suetonius julius 77,
Plutarch life of crassus 2
14  cards
3. Triumvirate Origins (60s-50s)
What was the name of the law whic...,
Plutarch pompey 25,
Plutarch pompey 22
3  cards
4. The 50s
Who was cato the younger,
Why did pompey support caesar s c...,
Why were the optimates ineffectiv...
9  cards
5. Caesarian Wars + Dictatorship
Etvt economic problems were respo...,
Plutarch caesar 57,
Plutarch caesar 58
18  cards
Greek: Politics and Culture in Athens
Who was gorgias what year did he ...,
Xenaphon memorabilia 1613,
Plutarch life of pericles 31
25  cards
Greek: Athenian Political and Social Culture
Pericles was the first man to pro...,
How were citizens involved in the...,
What are some critiques of the de...
8  cards
Rome: Nero
Evidence the failings of nero s r...,
Evidence the failings of nero s r...,
Evidence the failings of nero s r...
11  cards
Greek: Relations between states 479-404BC
What were the reasons for athenia...,
Aristophanes peace 609,
Aristophanes peace 648
31  cards
Thematic Primary Sources
Primary sources on,
Primary sources on intimidation d...,
Primary sources on violence in rome
10  cards

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ancient history

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