aqa a-level us and comparative politics (government and politics)

This class was created by Brainscape user Rebecca Pritchard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. the constitutional framework of the US government
What is the us constitution,
What are the key principles,
What are the powers of the president
19  cards
2. comparative politics: constitutional arrangements
What are the key differences of t...,
What are the key areas of similar...,
What are the differences in struc...
15  cards
3. Congress
What is the structure of congress,
What are the roles of congress,
What are the powers of congress
25  cards
4. the executive branch of government: president
What are the sources of president...,
What are the formal powers of the...,
What are the informal powers of t...
15  cards
5. Comparing the US and UK executives
What are the similarities and dif...,
What are the similarities and dif...,
What are the similarities and dif...
20  cards
6. the judicial branch of government
What is the process of selection ...,
What are the strengths of the uss...,
What are the weaknesses of the us...
17  cards
7. comparing the US and UK judiciaries
What are the similarities and dif...,
What are the similarities and dif...,
What are the similarities and dif...
13  cards
8. the electoral process and direct democracy
What is the us electoral system a...,
What are the main characteristic ...,
What are primaries
35  cards
9. political parties
What are the key differences betw...,
What are the policy differences o...,
What are the policy differences o...
13  cards
10. comparative politics: electoral and party systems
What are the similarities and con...,
What are the similarities and con...,
What are the similarities of the ...
10  cards
11. pressure groups
How is political pluralism shown ...,
What are the types of pressure gr...,
What are insider groups
19  cards
12. comparative politics: pressure groups
What are the similarities between...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...
7  cards
13. civil rights
How are civil rights in the usa p...,
How does the constitution protect...,
How does the bill of rights prote...
9  cards
14. comparative civil rights
What are the similarities in the ...,
What are the differences in the p...,
What are the similarities and dif...
8  cards

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aqa a-level us and comparative politics (government and politics)

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