bds2.5 dental materials - operative dentistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Maclean. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Dental Materials - Bonding systems
What is dental bonding,
What is sealing,
What is the difference between bo...
48  cards
Dental Materials - Bonding systems
How can you increase viscosity of...,
Would you rather use an etching g...,
What is a pure chemical liquid or...
31  cards
Dental Materials - Bonding systems
What chemicals interact with resin,
How can some chemicals effect resin,
What needs to be etched for longe...
17  cards
Physics and Chemistry of Light Curing - mechanism
What is the polymerisation reaction,
What are the advantages of light ...,
What percent of monomer to polyme...
21  cards
Physics and Chemistry of Light Curing
What is the most common photo ini...,
What is good about new photo init...,
What wavelengths is camphorquinon...
13  cards
Physics and Chemistry of Light Curing - incomplete curing
What is the consequence of incomp...,
What do you call formation of mar...,
What can a marginal gaps lea to
21  cards
Resin Based Composite Materials - basic system
What is resin composite material,
What is resin based composite com...,
What are the principal monomers i...
42  cards
Resin Based Composite Materials - curing
How can resin composites be categ...,
What is the reaction in both chem...,
How is the chemically cured resin...
16  cards
Resin Based Composite Materials - disadvantages
What is the most important shortc...,
What is microleakage,
What are the effects of polymeris...
33  cards
Resin Composite Presentations
What are the 3 groups of resin co...,
What is a universal resin composite,
What is flowable resin composite
38  cards
Resin Composites Presentations
What are the methods to overcome ...,
What works in combination with au...,
How does audma methacrylates decr...
19  cards
Abrasives and Polishing
Why is it important that all intr...,
What factors effects the abrasive...,
What is the sequence of using abr...
41  cards
Plastic restorations - Introduction to dental cements
How are dental cements formed,
What do the properties ofteh ceme...,
What are the 3 acids
17  cards
Tricalcium Silicate cements as pulp protection materials
What are the tricalcium silicate ...,
What are the calcium silicates re...,
How does mta interact with tissue
39  cards
Glass Polyalkenoate/Glass ionomer cement
What is another name for glass po...,
What are the 2 basic ocmponents o...,
What type of reaction occits in gpc
48  cards
Glass Ionomer Cement 2
What are the 2 mechanisms which g...,
What is the bond strength like,
Can the bond reform if broken
53  cards
Plastic restorations - Resin modified glass ionomer cements
What is a resin modified glass io...,
What are the 2 hybrid materials,
What are the advantages of resin ...
38  cards
Plastic restorations - resin modified glass Ionomer cements
What type of reaction is the poly...,
What is the maximum depth of the ...,
Why is the max depth of light cur...
42  cards
What material have been termed hy...,
Why are compomers and resin modif...,
What is the sequence of compomer ...
48  cards
Dental Amalgam
What is amalgam,
What is dental amalgam,
What is the reaction of alloy and...
47  cards
Dental Amalgam
Is amalgam a brittle material,
Where is amalgam weakest,
What happens if you increase gamma2
18  cards
Dental Amalgam
What are cavity varnishes,
What is the purpose of varnishes,
What materials were use in varnishes
27  cards

More about
bds2.5 dental materials - operative dentistry

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