biol 2321 - cell biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Heidi Sawyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

1 - Cell Specialization
How does each cell start out,
What does non specific cell mean,
How do all multicellular organism...
67  cards
First year review
What are 10 basic cell principles,
What are 4 structural similaritie...,
What are 4 functional similaritie...
3  cards
Plasma Membrane
What are the 6 membrane properties,
Approximately how wide is the pla...,
What are the four major propertie...
104  cards
Protein Review
What are proteins composed of,
Describe an amino acid structure ...,
What is cellular ph
65  cards
Membrane Proteins
Proteins represent approximately ...,
What is the purpose of membrane p...,
What are the 3 categories of memb...
40  cards
Tracers & Probes
What are tracers and probes used for,
Describe tracers and give an example,
Describe probes and give an example
50  cards
Electron Microscopy
Define resolution,
Why is resolution important,
What is the maximum resolution of...
28  cards
Intro to Diffusion
Define diffusion,
How does diffusion relate to the ...,
How does diffusion relate to entr...
36  cards
Passive Transport
Define aquaporins,
T or f aquaporins let water and i...,
What kind of cells would have man...
103  cards
Active Transport
Describe active transport,
What kind of molecules does activ...,
What are the two requirements for...
76  cards
Nerve Conduction
What is the function of a neuron,
How does the structure of a neuro...,
What will the signal always be re...
55  cards
The Nucleus
What are the 7 main structures of...,
T or f all dna is located in the ...,
About what percent of a cell s vo...
136  cards
Transcription Pt. 1
What does a gene contain,
What is a transcription unit,
What will a eukaryotic dna segmen...
130  cards
Transcription Pt. 2
What needs to happen to the mrna ...,
What needs to happen to the mrna ...,
During the elongation stage what ...
96  cards
In most cells what percentage of ...,
What is rrna,
What does rrna form
86  cards
Briefly state what translation is,
What is translated,
What is mrna translated into
133  cards
What is the function of the endom...,
T or f the endomembrane system is...,
What are the 6 organelles that ma...
151  cards
Describe endocytosis,
How is the ingested material pack...,
How does the plasma membrane encl...
57  cards
What is signalling,
How does an extracellular signal ...,
T or f different signals will cau...
117  cards
Extracellular Matrix
T or f tissues are made up solely...,
What things in our bodies is the ...,
What does the ecm contribute to
81  cards
Cell Junctions
What 5 things are cell junctions ...,
What does the structure of a cell...,
What are the 6 types of cell junc...
89  cards
What are the 3 components of the ...,
Briefly describe the structure an...,
Briefly describe the structure an...
191  cards
Skeletal Muscle
What causes muscle contraction,
T or f the skeletal muscles attac...,
What are the 3 types of muscle ti...
95  cards
Cell Cycle + Cancer
Describe the cell cycle,
What does each cell division prod...,
What are cell divisions for in a ...
148  cards
Cellular Respiration
Describe the structure of the mit...,
What are cristae what purpose do ...,
What is located in the matrix of ...
253  cards
What organisms have chloroplasts,
In what 2 ways do chloroplasts arise,
In higher plants where are chloro...
216  cards

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biol 2321 - cell biology

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