This class was created by Brainscape user Isobel Fuller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What is the definition of sustain...,
What was the great acceleration,
What factors allowed the great ac...
8  cards
Sustainable Development Goals
What are the aims of sdgs,
How many sdgs are there,
Name all the sdgs
9  cards
Global Climate Change
What is net radiative forcing,
What is the greenhouse effect,
How much do ghgs contribute to wa...
11  cards
Extreme Events
Are trends chronic or acute,
Are extreme events chronic or acute,
What do trends include
15  cards
Earth System
What are the main components of t...,
What are the components of the at...,
What percentage of gases make up ...
19  cards
Ecosystem and Environmental Interactions
Name three types of plant distirb...,
What are some plants with these d...,
What three factors control plant ...
18  cards
Climate Projections
What is external influence of unc...,
What are some natural external in...,
What causes the gulf stream
14  cards
Warming and Drought
What will be the distribution of ...,
What are droughts due to,
What is the climatic envelope
21  cards
Global Productivity and CO2 Responses
What biome has the best net prima...,
What biome is the least productive,
When is the enzyme rubisco more e...
14  cards
UK Impacts
How has species abundance changed...,
How have plant species changed in...,
How much have priority species de...
11  cards
Climate Change Impact on Arctic Ecosystems
How much more are high latitudes ...,
What is polar amplification,
What is permafrost
11  cards
Nitrogen Deposition
Where are wet and dry deposition ...,
What are the reduced and oxidised...,
What are the main anthropogenic s...
8  cards
Intro to Marine Ecosystems
How much of the world is oceans,
What are the major causes of mari...,
What are the main primary produce...
14  cards
Impact of Climate Change on Marine Ecosystems
How big is the ocean,
How much higher is room temperatu...,
How much of the sea water in nacl...
5  cards
Surface Carbon Cycle
How much carbon is in the world s...,
What are the major fluxes of surf...,
Name some examples of major fluxe...
16  cards
Geochemical Carbon and Oxygen Cycles
How much do carbon and oxygen mak...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the two ways carbon leav...
11  cards
Life and Geological CO2 + O2 Cycles
What caused the fluctuations of o...,
How can plant activity impact wea...,
Do plants speed up or slow down t...
10  cards
Net Zero GHG Emissions
What are net zero emissions,
What is net negative emissions,
What are negative emissions techn...
16  cards
Sustainably Managing Ecosystems for CDR
How much carbon is stores in livi...,
Which ecosystems are significant ...,
What do strategies managing the b...
23  cards
GHG Emissions from Food System
What happens if the earth warms b...,
How long would it take for the sa...,
What is the problem with the agri...
9  cards
Nitrogen Cycle
What is nitrification,
What is ammonium oxidation,
Where does ammonium oxidation tak...
17  cards
What has happened to methane emis...,
How much of methane emissions com...,
What is the problem with cellulose
12  cards
What are some ways to mitigate em...,
What are some ways to mitigate em...,
Are mitigating emissions enough
4  cards
Land-Use Change
What intrinsic values do ecosyste...,
How much of plant production is u...,
How much of the land surface is u...
11  cards
Introduction to Terrestrial Ecosystems
What is an ecosystem,
What is a biome,
What are components of ecosystems
8  cards

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climate change and sustainability

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