criminology unit 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Penny Day. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Biological Theories of Criminality
0  cards
Biological Theories Of Crime
What are biological theories of c...,
What are the three genetic theori...,
What are the two physiological th...
22  cards
Social Construction Of Crime
What is the social definition of ...,
What is the legal definition of c...,
What are the categories of crimin...
11  cards
Individualistic Theories Of Crime
What are the psychodynamic theori...,
What do the id ego and superego m...,
What is the id superego and the ego
24  cards
Sociological Theories Of Crime
What are the four sociological th...,
What do functionalists argue abou...,
Who is the main functionalist and...
47  cards
How Do Criminal Theories Influence Policy Development?
What is informal policy making,
What are the two forms of formal ...,
What biological theories influenc...
17  cards
How Do Social Changes Affect Policy Development
What areas have their been a chan...,
Why has social change come about,
Why has policy towards racism cha...
17  cards
How Do Campaigns Affect Policy Development
What are the 3 types of campaigns,
What 3 ways are campaigns created,
How do newspapers create campaigns
11  cards
Topic 1: Social Constructions of Criminality
Whats the difference between crim...,
Define values and provide an example,
Define norms and provide an example
55  cards
Topic 2: Biological Theories of Crime
Define physiological,
What was the main principle withi...,
Who did lombroso carry out his st...
53  cards
Evaluation: Biological Theories
Give 2 overall strengths of biolo...,
Give 2 overall weaknesses of biol...,
Give 3 strengths of lombroso s th...
12  cards
Topic 3: Individualistic Theories of Crime
What do learning theories suggest...,
What is the main idea of social l...,
What is vicarious reinforcement
46  cards
Evaluation: Individualistic Theories
Give 2 overall strengths of indiv...,
Give 2 overall weaknesses of indi...,
Give 3 strengths of bandura s soc...
12  cards
Topic 4: Sociological Theories of Crime
State the main function of family...,
State the main function of educat...,
State the main function of the wo...
63  cards
Define validity,
Define generalisability,
Define ethics
6  cards
Topic 1: Social Constructions of crime CONDENSED
Actus rea,
Mens rea,
14  cards

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criminology unit 2

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