This class was created by Brainscape user ZICING LEE. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

DNA Cloning
What are the function of the foll...,
What is the purpose of edta in th...,
What are the stages of genetic en...
24  cards
Restriction Enzymes
What are restriction endonucleases,
What is the biological function o...,
How do organisms protect their ow...
11  cards
Ligation and ligases
What are dna ligases,
State two of the most important l...,
What are the biological functions...
7  cards
DNA polymerases and PCR
What are the two characteristics ...,
What are the requirements for dna...,
Which type of dna polymerase poss...
8  cards
Gel Electrophoresis
What is the function of the follo...,
Ethidium bromide is a toxic subst...
2  cards
Define the purpose of the followi...,
What are the steps in southern bl...,
What are the steps in northern bl...
5  cards
Introduction 2
What are the two types of selecti...,
What are the advantages of geneti...,
What was the first ge plant
8  cards
Plant Genetic Engineering
What are three common methods of ...,
What are the 5 steps in plant gen...,
What are the advantages and disad...
7  cards
Plant Tissue Culture
Describe plant tissue culture,
What is the basis behind plant ti...,
What are some examples of ptc
12  cards
Animal Biotechnology
Differentiate between transfectio...,
What is the difference between st...,
Describe the three categories of ...
8  cards
Transgenic animals
What is a transgenic animal,
What is xenograft,
What are the potentials of transg...
7  cards
What are enzymes,
What are the characteristics of a...,
What are the 6 classes of enzyme
9  cards
Enzymes in Alcohol Production
Why are enzymes needed in alcohol...,
What are the sources of enzymes u...,
What are some processes in wine m...
7  cards
What are bioreactors,
What are the challenges of biorea...,
What are the advantages and disad...
15  cards
Supplementary Materials
What are the two forms of dna,
What does the cry gene confer,
What does the term organogenesis ...
8  cards

More about
food biotechnology

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