hazards earthquakes - geography - alevel

This class was created by Brainscape user Leah Dann. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Introduction to Earthquakes
What is an earthquake,
What happens after an earthquake ...,
Where do earthquakes occur
9  cards
Secondary Effects
Name 5 secondary effects,
Soil liquefaction,
5  cards
Moment Magnitude Scale
What is it,
How many 25 magnitude earthquakes...
4  cards
Mercalli Scale
What does it measure,
2  cards
Ritcher Scale
How many earthquakes annually cau...,
What does richter scale measure,
6  cards
What objectives does the federal ...,
Why is protection important,
Hazard resistant buildings
13  cards
Name ways to prevent
1  cards
How is it easy to predict where a...,
How to predict,
Close studies of fault lines
8  cards
Nature And Distrubution
Define earthquake,
12  cards
Haiti Case Study
When did it happen,
Richter scale,
13  cards
Kobe Case Study
When did kobe occur,
Where is kobe location,
How many eqs do kobe receive annu...
18  cards
Earthquake Measurement
What instruments are earthquakes ...,
How is a violent earthquake disti...,
What does the richter scale measure
15  cards
What is the energy released by ea...,
Where do shock waves begin,
How do the waves travel from the ...
12  cards
The Mohorovicic Discontinuity
Following an earthquake what type...,
Differences between the 2 waves,
In what year were 4 seismic waves...
8  cards
Earthquakes in the UK
What happens when the crust moves,
What needs to happen for an earth...,
What are earthquakes felt like in...
5  cards
Hazards Resulting From Earthquakes
Where do shockwaves erupt from,
How do we know the severity of th...,
Name some secondary effects earth...
10  cards
Human Activity and Earthquakes
Why are earthquakes some of the m...,
How can human activity trigger ea...,
Examplehow has underground nuclea...
6  cards
Short and Long Term Effects From Earthquakes
What are the short term effects o...,
In lics what is the main from of aid,
What is the negative if short ter...
6  cards

More about
hazards earthquakes - geography - alevel

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