This class was created by Brainscape user Zara Nakazato. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

2.2 Cellular Respiration
What is the word equation for aer...,
Purpose of aerobic respiration in...,
Name the substance to which the e...
74  cards
1.3 Control Of Gene Expression
What forms the genetic code,
Where is the genetic code found,
What are genes
4  cards
1.1 DNA and the genome
What is dna,
Why is dna important,
What is a genotype
42  cards
1.2 Replication of DNA
What is replication,
When does dna replication occur,
Why is dna replication important ...
32  cards
1.3 Control of Gene expression
What forms the genetic code,
Where is the genetic code found,
What are genes
62  cards
1.4 Cellular Differentiation
What is differentiation,
What is gene expression
37  cards
1.5 Structure of the Genome
What is a genome,
What is a gene,
What is the genome made up of
8  cards
1.6 Mutation
What is a mutation,
What is a mutant,
What is mutation the only source of
35  cards
1.7 Evolution
What is inheritance,
What is vertical inheritance,
Vertical inheritance sexual repro...
46  cards
1.8 Genomic Sequencing
What is genomics,
What is bioinformatics,
What is genomics used to investigate
17  cards
2.1 a Metabolism and Survival
What is metabolism,
What is a metabolic pathway,
What is an anabolic pathway
30  cards
2.1 b Control of metabolic pathways
What is activation energy,
What are catalysts,
What are enzymes
41  cards
2.3 Metabolic rate
Definition of metabolic rate,
How can the rate of metabolism of...,
How can oxygen consumption per un...
44  cards
2.4 Metabolism in Conformers and Regulators
Definition of the term adaptation,
Give examples of external abiotic...,
What is the internal environment
33  cards
3.3 Crop Protection
What is the productivity of crops...,
What is a weed,
42  cards
2.5 Metabolism and Adverse Conditions
In some environments extremes of ...,
How do they cope with these fluct...,
What is dormancy
47  cards
2.6 Environmental control of metabolism in microorganisms
What do microorganisms include,
What kind of species do microorga...,
Benefit of microorganisms
30  cards
2.7 Genetic control of Metabolism in microorganisms
How can wild strains of microorga...,
What is mutagenesis,
How can mutagenesis be increased
36  cards
3.1A Food security and Sustainable Food production
What is food supply,
What is food security,
Explain human population growth
22  cards
3.1B Plant Growth and Productivity
What is photosynthesis,
What are the three fates of light...,
Most of the light striking the le...
49  cards
3.2 Plant and Animal breeding
Why do plant and animal breeders ...,
What does single gene inheritance...
50  cards
3.4 Animal Welfare
What are the five freedoms based on,
What are the five freedoms
21  cards
3.5 Symbiosis
What is co evolution,
How are symbiotic relationships f...,
What is symbiosis
26  cards
3.6 Social Insects and Social Behaviour
What is social hierarchy,
What are advantages of social hie...,
Dont forget
36  cards
3.7 Mass extinction and Biodiversity
What is biodiversity,
What is biodiversity important for,
Dont forget
30  cards
3.8 Threats to Biodiversity
What is exploitation,
What has over exploitation been r...,
What happens to the alleles when ...
28  cards

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