This class was created by Brainscape user Josh Key. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Gender Bias
What is an issue,
What happen if psychological issu...,
State 2 common issues within psyc...
22  cards
Cultural Bias
When does a cultural bias occur,
What cultures does most psycholog...,
State 3 examples of psychological...
23  cards
Determinism vs Free-Will
What is determinism what approach...,
What is determinism what approach...,
Where does humanism sit on the de...
28  cards
Nature vs Nurture
What does the nature nurture deba...,
Is the nature nurture debate dete...,
Outline the nature side of the na...
36  cards
Holism vs Reductionism
Who are gestalt psychologists wha...,
What is holism,
What psychological approach links...
36  cards
Idiographic vs Nomothetic
Outline the idiographic approach,
What psychological approach links...,
What does idios mean
46  cards
Ethical Implications
Name 3 of the 10 bps ethical guid...,
What can happen after a researche...,
If someone manipulates a research...
33  cards
Gender Bias
What is an issue,
What happens if psychological iss...,
State 2 common issues within psyc...
17  cards
Cultural Bias
What is a cultural bias,
Most psychological research refle...,
State 3 examples of psychological...
23  cards
Free-will vs Determinism
What is determinism,
What is free will,
Where does humanism sit within th...
24  cards
Nature vs Nurture
Outline the nature nurture debate,
Outline nature,
Outline nurture
22  cards
Holism vs Reductionism
Outline holism,
Outline reductionism,
What is parsimony
21  cards
Idiographic vs Nomothetic
Outline the idiographic approach,
Outline the nomothetic approach,
Case studies are a form of idiogr...
21  cards
Ethical Implications
State 3 of the 10 bps ethical gui...,
What are ethical guidelines,
When does an ethical guideline be...
22  cards

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issues and debates

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