This class was created by Brainscape user Jarod Narag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

MRI Foundation
Why is mr so different from other...,
Protons have a _____ charge and s...,
The principle quantum number
38  cards
Concept of Image Contrast
What does image contrast mean,
T1 contrast,
T2 contrast
18  cards
MRI Instrumentation
What are the main parts of an mri...,
What are the three main types of ...,
What is a permanent magnet
20  cards
MRI Safety
What does static magnetic field mean,
What are the dangers of static ma...,
Can rf harm anyone
25  cards
MRI Image Formation
What do gradient coils do,
What is a fourier transform and w...,
What occurs during the generation o
21  cards
MRI Pulse Sequences
What is a pulse sequence,
What are the goals of imaging seq...,
Spin echo
53  cards
What is saturation,
How can saturation be achieved,
True or false a saturation sequen...
18  cards
Flow Phenomena
What do you mean by phase change,
What is normal pressure hydroceph...,
What are teh steps to scanning th...
8  cards
MR Angiography
What are the two ways to study mr...,
What does time of flight angiogra...,
Saturation of venous flow allows ...
12  cards
MRI Image Artifacts
What does motion artifact look li...,
How can you reduce motion artifact,
How does a blade propeller sequen...
16  cards
MR Parameters and Trade-offs
What the goals in an ideal medica...,
What are the factors affecting th...,
What are factors out of our contr...
21  cards
Advanced Topics in Neuro MRI Pt.1
What is diffusion,
True or false diffusion weighted ...,
In dwi the contrast difference de...
20  cards
Advanced Topics in Neuro MRI Pt.2
What is mr spectroscopy,
Signal amplitude depends on _,
What are metabolites
15  cards

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