This class was created by Brainscape user amy howard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Introduction to cellular neuroscience
What is the goal of cellular neur...,
What is the hardware of the nervo...,
What does the nervous system do
104  cards
Membrane potentials
How can glass capillaries achieve...,
What does penetrating the neurona...,
Why is the plasma membrane called...
141  cards
Introduction to neuroanatomy
How many synapses does each cell ...,
What are the 2 types of synapses,
What 2 types of receptors does th...
134  cards
Action potentials
What had already been established...,
What did bernstein propose as the...,
Whydid the mechanisms underlying ...
121  cards
Neuromuscular junction
What is a neuromuscular junction,
How does the input of skeletal mu...,
Why is the nmj the prototypical m...
81  cards
Central synapses
How does the patch clamp techniqu...,
What is the benefit of simultaneo...,
Between what size neurons is elec...
206  cards
Spinal cord
How is the spinal cord the main e...,
What is the central core and surr...,
How is the grey matter of the spi...
117  cards
Receptors and sensory transduction
What do sensory receptors do,
Receptor class for light,
Receptor class for sound
146  cards
Detection and central processing of touch
What is the dorsal column medial ...,
What properties of objects are co...,
What are different types of mecha...
109  cards
Autonomic nervous system
What afferents can the pns be spl...,
What are the 2 sections of the pns,
What are the 3 sections of the au...
142  cards
What is pain,
What is congenital insensitivity ...,
What can cause congenital insensi...
130  cards
Visual system- optics and transduction
How much of our cerebral cortex d...,
What actually is light,
What is the wavelength range of v...
127  cards
Visual system- retina to cortex
What are horizontal and amacrine ...,
What allows high acuity in the fo...,
What is sacrificed for high acuit...
140  cards
Visual cortex and perception
What happens at the optic chiasm,
Where is info from each hemifield...,
Summarised pathway of visual info...
157  cards
What actually is sound,
What allows sound to travel,
What are sine waves
248  cards
Experimental procedures
What does optogenetics allow us t...,
What is the process of optigenetics,
What does immunohistochemistry us...
7  cards
Muscle receptors and spinal reflexes
What is proprioception,
What are the 2 types of proprioce...,
What 3 ways is info from muscle r...
129  cards
Motor cortical areas
Which is lateral vs medial of sma...,
How does gaba mediate cortical re...,
How active is m1 in a rat running...
90  cards
Basal ganglia
What is the basal ganglia,
Summary of unctions of basal gang...,
Summary of functions of basal gan...
73  cards
Sleep, dreams and consciousness
How does an eeg machine work,
Eeg activity when awake and atten...,
Eeg activity when drowsy or eyes ...
115  cards
Sum up the cerebellums role in on...,
How does the cerebellum calibrate...,
What are the 3 anatomical divisio...
86  cards
Development p1
What is neural induction,
What does the neural plate eventu...,
What is gastriulation
91  cards
Development p2
What is the result of alcohol whe...,
What is the result of cannabis wh...,
What is the result of cocaine whe...
44  cards

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