This class was created by Brainscape user Rebecca Sale. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

1.1 The drainage basin system
In the drainage basin what are th...,
What are the stores,
What are the flows
26  cards
1.2 Discharge relationships within drainage basins
What is lag time on a hydrograph,
What is the rising limb on a hydr...,
What is the falling limb on a hyd...
9  cards
1.3 River Channel processes and Landforms
What is abrasion,
What is solution erosion,
What is hydraulic action
30  cards
1.4 The human impact
What is deforestation,
What is afforestation,
What are check dams
26  cards
2.1 Diurnal Energy Budgets
What are the tropopause stratopau...,
What is the role of ozone,
What is the role of co2 in the at...
26  cards
2.2 The global energy budget
What are winds,
What are air masses classified as,
What is the temperature and humid...
23  cards
2.3 Weather processes and phenomena
What is sublimation,
What is deposition,
What is absolute humidity
20  cards
2.4 The Human Impact
What are greenhouse gases,
What is the greenhouse effect,
What is global warming
12  cards
3.1 Plate Tectonics
What is sedimentary rock,
What is metamorphic rock,
What is igneous rock
31  cards
3.2 Weathering
What is thermal fracture,
What is granular disintegration,
What is block disintegration
16  cards
9.1 Hazards resulting from tectonic processes
What is a hazard,
What is a hazard event,
What is a disaster
46  cards
3.3 Slope processes
Mass movement,
Soil creep
17  cards
9.2 Hazards resulting from mass movments
Slump slip,
3  cards
9.3 Hazards resulting from atmospheric disturbances
Tropical cyclones,
Tropical storms,
12  cards
8.1 Coastal processes
Wave crest,
Wave trough
27  cards
8.2 The characteristics and formation of coastal landforms
Inter tidal zone,
Backshore zone,
31  cards
8.3 Coral reefs
Fringing reef,
Barrier reef,
Atoll reef
3  cards

More about
physical geography

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