This class was created by Brainscape user Renee DeAngelis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Oral Surgery
What lip is most commonly affecte...,
How does recovery from maxillary ...,
What can be done to better treat ...
64  cards
Esophageal Surgery
How does the esophagus of dogs an...,
What are the 5 most common clinic...,
What is the difference between vo...
42  cards
Nasal & Upper Respiratory Surgery
What makes up the upper respirato...,
What is a common complication aft...,
In what situations is a nasal pla...
67  cards
Tracheal Surgery
What is tracheal collapse what is...,
What are the classical signs of t...,
How does the location of the coll...
73  cards
Hepatobilliary Surgery
Where is the gallbladder located ...,
What are the 2 major blood suppli...,
How do partial and complete lobec...
64  cards
Pancreatic Surgery
What are the 3 anatomical parts o...,
What are the differences in the p...,
What are the 2 functions of the p...
15  cards
Portosystemic Shunt
What are portosystemic vascular a...,
What are the 2 classifications of...,
What are the 2 classifications of...
53  cards
Spleen Surgery
What are 5 functions of the spleen,
What are 3 indications for total ...,
What 3 vessels require ligations ...
33  cards
Intestinal Surgery
What is one of the most common in...,
What is the holding layer of the ...,
What kind of suture is preferred ...
86  cards
Colorectal Surgery
In what 3 ways does the large int...,
What are the 3 major blood suppli...,
What are the 3 indications for co...
81  cards
What are the 3 major indications ...,
What are 4 major indications for ...,
What approach is used for explora...
34  cards
Stomach Surgery
What are the most common gastric ...,
What is the most common signalmen...,
What are some conditions that pre...
55  cards
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus
What is the difference between di...,
How is the gastric flora affected...,
What is the most common rotation ...
68  cards
Urogenital Surgery
What is an ovariohysterectomy,
What is an ovariectomy,
What are 6 indications for ovarie...
64  cards
Urogenital Surgery, Pt. 2
What are the 4 indications for ca...,
What are some additional indicati...,
What are the 4 most common approa...
72  cards
The Pleural Cavity
What pre operative stabilization ...,
Where are thoracostomy tube initi...,
What anesthetic considerations ar...
83  cards
Cardiovascular Surgery
What are the 3 most common congen...,
What is patent ductus arteriosus,
What is the purpose of the ductus...
80  cards
What is a hernia what is the diff...,
What is the difference between tr...,
What are the 3 most common intern...
63  cards
Lung Surgery
What are 3 indications for median...,
What portals are used for minimal...,
What is the purpose of a transdia...
47  cards
Cutaneous Surgery
What are the 4 major layers of th...,
What is the blood supply like to ...,
What are 3 major differences betw...
61  cards
Wound Management
What are 4 characteristics of the...,
In what ways can primary layers o...,
What are the 2 types of primary l...
61  cards
Fractures, Bone Healing, & Splinting
What is a fracture what is the go...,
What are transverse oblique and s...,
What are the 5 types of salter ha...
75  cards
Bone Plating
What are the 2 types of fracture ...,
What are the goals of fracture fi...,
What is wolff s law
59  cards
Pins, Wires, & External Fixation
What are intramedullary pins when...,
What are intramedullary steinmann...,
What are 3 advantages to the use ...
47  cards
Fracture Biomechanics
What is stress strain,
What is stiffness,
What is deformation what is the d...
59  cards
Delayed Bone Healing
What are the 4 major open fractur...,
What are degloving injuries what ...,
Physiologic degloving
32  cards
Juvenile Bone Disease
What are the main 2 disease juven...,
What is osteochondrosis what does...,
What is osteochondritis dissecans
33  cards
Juvenile Bone Disease, Pt. 2
What is the most common cause of ...,
What signalment is most commonly ...,
How does breed affect etiology of...
76  cards
Patellar Luxation
What 5 parts are pieces of the ex...,
What signalments are most common ...,
What are 2 parts of the pathophys...
30  cards
Canine Hip Dysplasia
What signalment is associated wit...,
How is the joint manipulated to d...,
How are ofa radiographs performed...
65  cards
Muscle & Tendon Injury
What are the 4 classification of ...,
What is the difference between sp...,
What muscles are more prone to st...
44  cards
Ligament Injury
What are the 3 articulations of t...,
What are the 4 sesamoid bones of ...,
What is the purpose of sesamoid b...
30  cards
What is arthritis what is it a pr...,
What is the goal to arthritis tre...,
What is the top cause of chronic ...
30  cards
Surgical Oncology
What roles does surgery play in t...,
What is the purpose of tumor stag...,
Once a tumor is found what is imp...
37  cards

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small animal surgery

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