unit 4 anatomy and physiology (health and social)

This class was created by Brainscape user Jazz. 03xx. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Composition of Blood
Know the function of: Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma Know the five functions of the Blood
16  cards
Blood vessels and Cardiovascular System
What vessels carry blood,
What is the function of the aorta,
What is the function of the vena ...
15  cards
Structure of bones and joint types
What joints comprise the hip and ...,
What joint comprises the neck,
What joint comprises the elbows a...
6  cards
Synovial Joints and Muscle Action
What is muscle,
What is the synovial fluid,
What is the synovial membrane
7  cards
Function of Digestive System
What is the function of the saliv...,
What is the function of the bucca...,
What is the bolus
23  cards
Respiration System
What is the function of the nasal...,
What is the function of the pharynx,
What is the function of the epigl...
12  cards
The Cardiac Cycle
Why is the left side of the heart...,
What are the stages of the cardia...,
What is systole and diastole
3  cards
Functions of the Kidney
0  cards
Structure of bones and joint types
What are bones,
What are the five types of joints,
What sort of movement rotation ca...
3  cards
Synovial Joints and Muscle Action
What is a muscle,
What is the synovial fluid and it...,
What is the synovial membrane and...
7  cards
Structure and Function of the Nervous System
What is the nervous system compri...,
What is the function of the nervo...,
What are the functions of the brain
10  cards
The Brain
How many hemispheres does the bra...,
What is the cerebal hemisphere,
What is the function of the cereb...
15  cards
What is digestion,
What are the two types of digestion,
Where and how does mechanical dig...
13  cards
Cardiac Cycle
What are the steps of the cardiac...,
What is systole,
What is diastole
4  cards
Structure of bone and function of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
What are the two types of bone ti...,
What function does the osteon per...,
What is bone
14  cards
Cellular Respiration
What two types of cellular respir...,
Where does aerobic respiration occur,
What is the product of aerobic re...
10  cards
Lymphatic System
0  cards
Malfunction of each of the bodily systems
0  cards
Structure of the Ear and functions
What three sections is the ear co...,
What is the external ear comprise...,
What is the middle ear comprised of
4  cards
Structure of the Eye and functions
What is the tear layer,
What is the function of the tear ...,
What is the cornea
18  cards

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unit 4 anatomy and physiology (health and social)

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