This class was created by Brainscape user Lauren Hine. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (67)

Hypopituitarism & Anterior Pituitary dysfunction
What are the anterior pituitary h...,
Where does the pituitary sit,
What does the anterior pituitary ...
45  cards
Vasopressin disorders
How do you tell the anterior pitu...,
What are the posterior pituitary ...,
Where do hypothalamic magnocellul...
39  cards
Pituitary Tumours
What is the most common functioni...,
What is a micro vs macroadenoma,
What are all the classifications ...
25  cards
Hyperthyroidism & Thyroid disorders
What is graves disease,
What are the symptoms of hyperthy...,
What are the generalised symptoms...
27  cards
Adrenal Disorders
Where are corticosteroids synthes...,
What is an example of a corticost...,
What is the precursor of a steroid
61  cards
Calcium dysregulation
Which hormones act to increase se...,
Which hormones act to decrease se...,
What are the sources of calcitriol
39  cards
Infertility & reproductive treatments
What is infertility,
What is primary infertility,
What is secondary infertility
133  cards
Type 1&2 Diabetes Mellitus
What is type 1 diabetes,
What is the onset of type 1 diabetes,
What are the stages of developmen...
80  cards
Vascular complications of DM
What are the microvascular compli...,
What are the macrovascular compli...,
What is the target hba1c to reduc...
34  cards
Cortical organisation and function
Where is the cerebral cortex,
What do fissures separate,
What are brodmann maps
83  cards
Cerebral Vasculature and Cerebrovascular disorders
Why is the brain vulnerable if bl...,
What are the main blood supplies ...,
What is the main cerebral branch ...
31  cards
Motor control & movement disorders
What are the main principles of m...,
What is hierarchical organisation,
What is functional segregation in...
82  cards
What are all the causes of acute ...,
What are all the causes of dull h...,
What are all the causes of a dull...
85  cards
Auditory & Vestibular system
Where is the ear in relation to t...,
What is the function of the outer...,
What does the outer ear consist of
81  cards
Visual System
When are tears produced by the la...,
What is the nervous control of th...,
What is the route of a tear from ...
111  cards
Cerebral inflammation & disorders
What is meningitis,
What is encephalitis,
What is cerebral vasculitis
22  cards
Causes of dementia,
Reversible causes of dementia
25  cards
Principles of Pharmacology
What is pharmacology,
What is therapeutics,
Why is selectivity important
54  cards
Diabetes Pharm
What is the moa of metformin,
What is the drug target of metformin,
What are the main side effects of...
31  cards
Epilepsy pharmacology
What is the moa for lamotrigine,
What is the drug target for lamot...,
What are the common side effects ...
23  cards
Pharmacology of Depression
What is the target for sertraline,
What is the moa of sertraline,
What are the main side effects of...
26  cards
Pharmacology of Hypertension
What is the moa of angiotensin co...,
What is the drug target for acei,
What are the main side effects fo...
29  cards
Pharmacology of Asthma
What is the moa of salbutamol,
What is the drug target for salbu...,
What are the main side effects fo...
21  cards
GORD/Peptic Ulcer Pharmacology
What is the moa for nsaids,
What is the drug target for nsaids,
What are the main side effects fo...
26  cards
pharmacology of CKD
What is the moa for statins,
What is the drug target for statins,
What are the main side effects of...
21  cards
pharmacology of analgesia
Moa of paracetamol,
Drug target paracetamol,
Paracetamol side effects
23  cards
Psychiatry intro
What is an adjustment reaction,
What is an organic delusional dis...,
What is the prevalence of post st...
19  cards
What is psychosis,
What are all of the positive symp...,
What are hallucinations
22  cards
Substance use & Addiction
What is the typical course of alc...,
What is harmful use of drugs alcohol,
What is dependence
40  cards
Mood disorders
What is the icd 10 classification...,
What is the typical cycle of low ...,
What is negative automatic thinking
51  cards
Psychopharmacology for psychiatry
Targets for psychiatric medicines,
How are psychiatric drugs classified,
Pros cons of grouping drugs based...
31  cards
psychiatric disorders across the lifespan
What is dementia,
Pathophysiology of alzheimers,
Example of an acetylcholinesteras...
20  cards
Early foetal development + disorders
What is fertilisation age,
What is gestational age,
What are carnegie stages
75  cards
Pregnancy, parturition and late foetal development
Early embryo nutrition,
What happens between first and se...,
What happens in first trimester
98  cards
Environmental impact on health
In utero impacts on health,
Influences on long term health so...,
Influences on long term health bi...
16  cards
postnatal child development
0  cards
Structural heart disease
What is structural heart disease,
What is ventricular septal defect...,
What is the tetralogy of fallot
92  cards
Electrocardiogram & rhythm disorders
Why is ecg used,
What is ecg used to view diagnose,
What are ecg electrodes
54  cards
What are the cardinal features of...,
What is the structure of an asthm...,
How does an asthmatic airway chan...
26  cards
Lung cancer
How common is lung cancer in the uk,
Who is most at risk of lung cancer,
What are the risk factors for lun...
40  cards
Respiratory infections
What is the typical presentation ...,
What is the typical presentation ...,
What is the typical presentation ...
36  cards
Respiratory failure
What are the symptoms of general ...,
What is ards,
How is ards classified
28  cards
What is the purpose of haemostasis,
What is haemostasis,
Describe the mechanisms of haemos...
68  cards
Anaemia & Transfusion
What is anaemia,
What are the broad causes of anaemia,
What are the types of anaemia bas...
51  cards
Arterial blood gases + acid base regulation
What is pulmonary transit time,
What is gas exchange time,
How do you calculate h concentrat...
18  cards
Vascular Endothelium
Basic structure of blood vessels,
Vasa vasorum,
Structure of capillaries and venules
25  cards
Coronary heart disease/athersclerosis
Modifiable risk factors of corona...,
Non modifiable risk factors of co...,
What combination of risk factors ...
49  cards
Abdominal pain
How do most intra abdominal disea...,
What are the two most important p...,
What is socrates
60  cards
upper GI tract
Anatomical contributions to los,
Stages of swallowing,
How to determine motility of oeso...
76  cards
appetite & disorders
What is the strongest stimulus fo...,
Action of vasopressin,
Where are the osmoreceptors
46  cards
gut immunology
What does it mean that the gut is...,
What are the major phyla of gut b...,
Host factors influencing bacteria...
51  cards
gastrointestinal infections/disorders
What can cause infectious diarrhoea,
Causes of non infectious diarrhoea,
Where does c difficile typically ...
25  cards
When is oral feeding not advised,
Types of oral feeeing,
What is first line enteral feeding
46  cards
general GI surgery
What does tinkling or high pitche...,
Management options for acute abdo,
Potential problems causing ruq pain
85  cards
gastrointestinal cancers
What is cancer,
What is primary cancer,
What is a secondary cancer
70  cards
What is meant by sciatica,
What is non specific low back pain,
What is the trouble with non spec...
21  cards
Child vs adult bones,
Development of flat bones,
Development of long bones
46  cards
Rheumatology and diagnostics
All possible bloods for rheumatology,
Fbc results for inflammatory arth...,
Fbc results osteoarthritis
33  cards
Specific fracture management
Whats the difference between trau...,
Presentation of a fracture,
Investigations for a fracture
51  cards
MSK disorder treatment
Types of bone cells,
Structure of compact bone,
What are lacunae
45  cards
SLE, Systemic manifestations and RA
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
Which autoantibodies are associat...,
What is ankylosing spondylitis
43  cards
Dialysis and transplant rest of URO on another deck
Basis of haemodialysis and access...,
What is a typical treatment sched...,
Basis of peritoneal dialysis
14  cards
Skin cancer basics
What is melanoma,
Where can melanoma arise besides ...,
Genetic risk factors for skin cancer
51  cards
systemic skin basics
Distrub of dermatomyositis,
Skin systemic disorders,
Types of lupus erythmatous
32  cards
skin infections and infestations basics
Things caused by staphylococcus a...,
Conditions caused by streptococcu...,
Pvl toxin panton valentine leukoc...
35  cards
PVB bits
Approaches to child decisions,
What are the types of best intere...,
When do basic and developmental i...
46  cards
What is exercise,
Hwat is physical activity,
What are activities of daily living
16  cards

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brs year 2

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