kin 316 - biomechanics of tissue

This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Munn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Biomechanical Concepts
How do we define the basic proper...,
What are tissue mechanics,
What is movement essential for in...
92  cards
Module 2 - Locomotion and Wearable Motion Tracking
What is the definition of energy,
What does energy exist in,
What is the definition for work
31  cards
Module 3 - Muscle Architecture & Mechanical Properties
What are the 3 layers of skeletal...,
How does connective tissue play m...,
What muscle fibers are intimately...
33  cards
Module 4 - Electromyography
What are some applications for el...,
What is a motor unit,
What is an innervation ratio
59  cards
Module 5 - Biomechanics of Tissues
What contributes to the force len...,
What is the force length relation...,
What is the force length relation...
32  cards
Module 6 - Muscle Force-Velocity Relationship
What does the force length relati...,
What do most daily activities inv...,
What describes daily activities b...
56  cards
Module 8 - Muscle Length & Joint Geometry
What factors influence force prod...,
What parts of the muscle architec...,
What neural factors influence for...
22  cards
Module 9 - Muscle Moment Arm & Joint Geometry
When is muscle lengthening veloci...,
What can biomechanical models bas...,
Why can joint geometry be conside...
24  cards
Module 10 - Lumbar Spine
What are major structural compone...,
What is the spinal cord important...,
How do the vertebral bodies of th...
112  cards
Module 11 - Introducing the Tendon
Describe the structure of a tendon,
Why do tendons affect muscle func...,
How do tendons form
99  cards
Module 12 - Biarticular Muscles & Muscle Force Measurement
What is the coactivation of the r...,
What is lombard s paradox why doe...,
How does one stand from a seated ...
11  cards

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kin 316 - biomechanics of tissue

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