neurology and special senses

This class was created by Brainscape user Roshan Patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

The External Ear
What is ear trauma commonly relat...,
How severe is ear trauma normally,
Why is the sensory supply to the ...
43  cards
The Middle Ear
What does the middle ear consist of,
What is otosclerosis,
What are some causes of otosclerosis
38  cards
Inner Ear
Where is the inner ear,
What does the inner ear consist of,
What is the function of the oval ...
53  cards
Hearing tests
What are tuning fork tests used t...,
What is rinnes test,
What is webers test
27  cards
Nose and Sinuses
What makes up the nose,
What vessels supply the nose with...,
What is littles kiesselbachs area
83  cards
Throat Anatomy
What muscles are present in the p...,
What are the longitudinal muscles...,
What cartilage is present in the ...
6  cards
Throat Conditions
What is a retropharyngeal abscess,
What causes retropharyngeal absce...,
How do retropharyngeal abscesses ...
69  cards
Anatomy of the Orbit, Eyelids and Lacrimal System
What bones make up the orbit,
Which parts of the orbit are part...,
What is the function of the eyelid
41  cards
The Eyeball, Ocular Muscles and Neurovasculature
How is the aqueous chamber split ...,
What is the iris,
How does the lens work
18  cards
The Cornea, Lens and Intra-Ocular Pressure
What is the cornea,
What are the 3 main roles of the ...,
Describe the epithelium of the co...
54  cards
The Uveal Tract
What makes up the uveal tract,
What is the iridocorneal angle an...,
What is mydriasis
13  cards
Practical Opthalmology
How is distance vision tested,
How is a snellen chart used,
How does the scoring of a snellen...
42  cards
Ophthalm Presentations
What could cause a red eye what a...,
What can cause gradual vision loss,
What can cause sudden vision loss
72  cards
Ophthalmology Conditions
What is blepharitis,
What is the difference between an...,
What complications are associated...
154  cards
Neurological Examination
What parts are assessed in a neur...,
How is mental status assessed,
What parts of language function a...
24  cards
What is epilepsy,
What are convulsions,
What causes epilepsy
45  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
What is the pathophysiology of mu...,
What are some poor prognostic sig...,
What are common first symptoms of ms
30  cards
What are some key questions to co...,
What tools are used to assess stroke,
What is abcd2 used for
104  cards
Neurology Presentations
How would a patient describe a te...,
How are tension headaches managed,
What is the diagnostic criteria f...
84  cards
Neurology Conditions
What is the normal intracranial p...,
How does raised icp cause damage,
What investigations would you req...
180  cards
Spinal Cord
What are the cervical myotomes,
What myotomes are the biceps and ...,
What myotome is the triceps reflex
40  cards
Dermatological History and Examination
What are you looking to find out ...,
What things would you look at in ...,
What other things do you ask abou...
46  cards
Common Important Derm Problems
What history is indicative of a v...,
Where do venous ulcers commonly a...,
Describe how a venous ulcer would...
86  cards
Emergency Dermatology
What does the essential managemen...,
What dermatological conditions ca...,
What can cause anaphylaxis
45  cards
Blistering Disorders
How are blistering skin disorders...,
How does the level of split in th...,
What are the common causes of bli...
9  cards
Skin Infections and Infestations
What are the types of skin infect...,
What is the difference between ce...,
What causes erysipelas and cellul...
27  cards
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
What is atopic eczema commonly as...,
Describe the epidemiology of atop...,
What are the exacerbating factors...
40  cards
Other Dermatology
Where can tinea rashes appear,
What organism causes tinea wapitis,
What organism causes tinea corporals
87  cards

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neurology and special senses

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