This class was created by Brainscape user sophie rosen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (53)

Introduction Homeostasis
Set point,
External environment
39  cards
Introduction to Homeostasis pt. 2
Tonic level of activity,
Topic control regulates physiolog...,
Antagonistic control
7  cards
Cell Membrane, Membrane Transport, & Membrane Potential
Pm function 4,
Pm structure 3,
Pm is made up of four different t...
45  cards
Cell Membrane, Membrane Transport and Membrane Potential
Structural proteins form,
Structural proteins sometimes anc...,
Tight junctions
107  cards
Cell Membrane, Membrane Transport, & Membrane Potential Part 3
Electrochemical gradient,
Electrochemical gradient formula,
Chemical gradient
25  cards
Nervous System
The nervous system,
What homeostatic processes does t...,
The ns works along with to mainta...
38  cards
Nervous System Part 2
Activation of na channels occurs ...,
Absolute refractory period,
Why is it impossible to fire duri...
21  cards
Chemical synapses involve,
How many nt have been identified,
Chemical synapse conduction
40  cards
Synapses Part 2
Excitability of a neuron changes ...,
Synaptic input pre and post synap...,
Presynaptic inhibition presynapti...
24  cards
Central Nervous System
The thalamus part of the dienceph...,
Sensory neurons enter the spinal ...,
Motor neurons exit the spinal cor...
51  cards
CNS Part 2
Midbrain contains 3,
Centers for motor control 3,
The rises from the superior and i...
60  cards
CNS Part 3
While the corticospinal anterior ...,
The umn from each of these tracts...,
Indirect tract rubrospinallocatio...
37  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
2 divisions of the ans,
Both systems are 3,
Generally one another when they i...
59  cards
Sensory Physiology
Afferent pathways into the cns en...,
Labeled lines,
Greater than of all sensory infor...
83  cards
Taste and Smell
Are the peripheral organs of gust...,
Papillae contain the functional u...,
Adults have taste buds children h...
96  cards
Pain and Temperature Sensations
Normal temperature ranges,
Body temperature has a circadian ...,
Temperature is lowest at highest ...
123  cards
Endocrine features 2,
We will discuss individual hormon...,
Specialized endocrine glands 5
46  cards
The is a true endocrine gland,
The posterior contains axon termi...,
The pituitary gland weighs 600 mg...
61  cards
About 93 of the active hormones s...,
Is t3 or t4 more potent,
Thyroid hormones impact 2 they al...
92  cards
The two adrenal glands each weigh...,
Adrenal glands consist of 2,
Adrenal cortex is essential for
74  cards
A cells cells,
B cells cells,
D cells cells
77  cards
SM 1
Sarcomeres shorten during contrac...,
The thin filament,
The myosin thick filament
79  cards
Cardio 1
Three principal components of the...,
Cardiovascular function is regula...,
Number one cause of death worldwide
62  cards
Cardio 2
99 of myocardium,
Contractile cells depolarized by,
Bases of action potential
40  cards
Cardio 3
Pulmonary circulation pressures 4,
Cardiac output co,
Cardiac output co equation
36  cards
Cardio 2: Smooth Muscle
Smmain populations surround,
Smalso important in ocular functi...,
Sm contraction may cause 2
52  cards
CV 3
At each level arteries have compa...,
Vascular tone level of,
Vascular tone 4
54  cards
CV 3 (2)
Veins have all distinct layers tu...,
Compared to arteries veins have 3,
Veins are highly distensible so t...
45  cards
CV 4
Is the driving force for blood fl...,
Factors that influence map 3
58  cards
CV 5
Total blood volumemenwomenbody we...,
Blood components 2,
1 cellular formed elements 2
76  cards
CV 5 (2)
A person is rh positive if they h...,
A person is rh negative if they l...,
No rh antibodies iggs in the plas...
49  cards
Resp 1
Visceral pleura,
Parietal pleura,
Pleural space
106  cards
Resp 1 Part 2
Measurements of expiratory flow t...,
Forced vital capacity fvc,
Forced expiration volume 1 fev1
34  cards
Resp 2
It takes a red blood cell about s...,
Pulmonary circulation sequence,
Pulmonary circulation has 4 than ...
38  cards
Resp 2 Part 2
When in an upright position there...,
Lung is divided into 3 zones 3,
Zone 3 at base has the highest
43  cards
Resp 3
Gases just like ions and water mo...,
After gas exchange in the pulmona...,
To calculate a partial pressure y...
73  cards
Resp 4
Gases just like ions and water mo...,
He partial pressures of the gases...,
If cells utilize more oxygen than...
53  cards
Resp 5
The ultimate goal of respiration ...,
Excess co2 or h activates respira...,
Decreased o2 increases alveolar v...
52  cards
Healthy immune system functions f...,
Innate natural non specific immunity,
Acquired immunity
80  cards
Renal 1
Constant 2 of body fluid compartm...,
Constant volume and stable compos...,
Water in
48  cards
Renal 2
Regulation of solute osmolarity,
Regulation of water and electroly...,
Regulation of arterial pressure 2
60  cards
Renal 3
Glomerular filtration rate gfr ra...,
Plasma volume filtered into nephr...,
Entire plasma volume is filtered ...
87  cards
Renal 4
Tubular reabsorption 3,
Tubular secretion 2,
Once fluid is reabsorbed across t...
46  cards
Renal 5
Regulation of tubular reabsorptio...,
Tubular reabsorption controlled by 3,
Reabsorption of some solutes can ...
49  cards
Renal 6
Normal function requires ecf osmo...,
H2o and na input via diet,
H2o and na loss 4
43  cards
Integrative Physiology I
Factors adh secretion 7,
Factors adh secretion 5,
Syndrome of inappropriate adh sia...
27  cards
Integrative Physiology II
Ecf k tightly regulated at meq l,
Increase of only 3 to 4 meq l can...,
Mechanisms controlling k homeosta...
54  cards
Integrative Physiology III
H is very tightly regulated 4,
Extreme range compatible with lif...,
Fluid h ph
74  cards
GI 1
Components of the gi system 2,
1 alimentary canal gi tract 3,
2 accessory organs 2
87  cards
GI 2
Gastric stomach function 6,
Produce specialized secretions hc...,
1 receptive relaxation 2
59  cards
GI 3
Fasting pattern 4,
Feeding pattern 4,
Feeding pattern stimuli 4
77  cards
GI 4
More than 90 of pancreas is exocr...,
Luminal digestion of 3 impaired f...,
Neutralizes gastric h secretes hc...
73  cards
Cell Types and Secretions
Product type source function,
Product type source function,
Product type source function
11  cards

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