aqa history gcse 🐐📚

This class was created by Brainscape user Max Heelan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Kaiser Wilhelm and Germany (1888-1918) Part One of Germany 1890-1945
Prior to the unification of germa...,
What prussian ideals were brought...,
Who was the new german supreme le...
18  cards
The Impact of WW1 on Germany - Part Two of Germany 1890-1945
What happened to the amount of re...,
Who was responsible for germany s...,
Who was responsible for germany s...
66  cards
Weimar Democracy - Part Two of Germany 1890-1945
The men who partook in the kapp p...,
Where did the free corps take ove...,
What was the aim of wolfgang kapp
55  cards
The Rise of Nazism and Hitler - Part Three of Germany 1890-1945
Why were nazis popular in the cou...,
Why were the nazis popular with c...,
Why did the middle class like hitler
31  cards
The Nazi Regime - Part Four of Germany 1890-1945
What scheme did the nazis set up ...,
What did the nazis order the crea...,
How was the autobahn project goin...
57  cards
Elizabethan England AQA GCSE - Part One
What did henry vii do on the 22nd...,
What did henry viii do after winn...,
Who were elizabeth s parents
90  cards
World War One - Part One - Build-up to war
What were the five most influenti...,
What was the largest empire in th...,
Why was britain the largest colon...
67  cards
Elizabethan England - AQA GCSE - Part Two
What was the great chain of being...,
What were the two main rich group...,
What was the housing culture like...
32  cards
Elizabethan England - AQA GCSE Part Three
What are the catholic beliefs in ...,
What were protestant beliefs in e...,
Why was religion a major problem ...
31  cards
World War One - Part Two
How did the schlieffen plan change,
How did the schlieffen plan go at...,
What problems did the schlieffen ...
100  cards
Migration and Empire - Part One
Who invaded england once romans left,
How did anglo saxons rule over en...,
What religion were the anglo saxo...
59  cards
Migration and Empire - Part Two
What did christopher columbus do,
What did john cabot do,
How did the english plunder spani...
48  cards
World War One - Part Three
What were the early stages of the...,
What effects were the war having ...,
What were the effects of the war ...
43  cards
Useful/difficult facts to remember - Germany
What two problems did the kaiser ...,
Who signed the armistice for germany,
What are the main parts of the tr...
74  cards
Useful WWI facts
What battles were there during th...,
What did the allies attack during...,
Where did the kaiser leave to whe...
16  cards
Migration - Part Three
Why did britain want control over...,
Who discovered the route to india...,
What did europeans do in india
9  cards

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aqa history gcse 🐐📚

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