This class was created by Brainscape user Aimee Love. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Nephrology - Passmedicine
How do you calculate an anion gap,
What is considered a normal anion...,
What are the two types of metabol...
189  cards
Urology Tutorial
List causes of haematuria,
What is the one of the biggest ur...,
What is a typical history of clot...
36  cards
Lecture 1 - Introduction, Gross Anatomy and Histology
What are the anatomical component...,
What are the functions of the uri...,
What hormone do the kidneys produce
40  cards
Lecture 3 - Filtration
What does filtration in the kidne...,
What is the gfr,
What is the average gfr a day
38  cards
Lecture 4 - Reabsorption and Secretion
What are mechanisms of reabsorpti...,
What substances are reabsorbed vi...,
What is tm
33  cards
Lecture 5 - Loop of Henle
What part of the tubule is the pr...,
Is any protein filtered,
Why does the liver make a lot of ...
28  cards
Lecture 6 - Regulation of Osmolarity
Water regulation is controlled by...,
What is adh made from,
Where is adh produced
50  cards
Lecture 8 - Pathology of Urinary Tract Infection
How does uti tend to present,
Define dysuria,
How might very young people with ...
49  cards
Lecture 27 - UTI
Which term describes inflammation...,
Which term describes inflammation...,
Which term describes inflammation...
52  cards
Lecture 12 - Presentation of Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
What are the two divisions of the...,
What are the parts of the kidneys,
What are the parts of the ureters
35  cards
Lecture 21 - Tumours of the Urinary System
What are urothelial tumours,
What site is most commonly affect...,
What is the most common type of b...
81  cards
Lecture - Organ Donation
What are the different kinds of l...,
What are the criteria for determi...,
What are the different types of o...
22  cards
Lecture 13 - Glomerular Diseases (clinical)
What are glomerular diseases,
What are glomerular diseases clas...,
What are the typical clinical fea...
109  cards
Lecture 24 - The Kidneys in Systemic Disease
What systemic diseases may affect...,
What cv diseases may affect the k...,
What infections may affect the ki...
56  cards
Lecture 9 - Glomerular Diseases Pathology
What is a glomerulus made from,
What size of protein will not be ...,
What do the podocytes have
27  cards
Lecture 23 - Nephrourolithiasis
What is the prevalence of kidney ...,
In which gender is kidney stones ...,
Chance of stone recurrence is __ ...
82  cards
Lecture 18 + 19: Benign Diseases of the Urinary Tract
How big is the prostate,
2 3rd of the prostate is ____ 1 3...,
What surrounds the prostate gland
90  cards
Lecture 16 - Renal Replacement Therapy
Define end stage renal disease,
Until what ckd stage can the pati...,
What is the syndrome of advanced ...
59  cards
Lecture 17 - Renal Replacement 2
Transplanted kidney is placed in ...,
What are indications for native n...,
What is involved in a kidney tran...
40  cards
Lecture 20 - Clinical Pharmacology of Renal Disease
How does renal disease affect cli...,
What features of drugs make them ...,
Give egs of 4 drugs with narrow t...
47  cards
Lecture 7 - ECF Volume Regulation 1 and 2
What ions are the major ecf osmoles,
What substance is the major icf o...,
How is regulation of ecf volume c...
36  cards
Lecture 22 - Imaging of the Urinary System
How long are the kidneys,
Kidneys increase in size until ab...,
How much does each kidney weigh
16  cards
Lecture 14 - Acute Kidney Injury
What was the traditional definiti...,
What is the current definition of...,
Define acute renal failure by the...
58  cards
Lecture 15 - Chronic Kidney Disease
What of the population has ckd,
How do we assess the excretory fu...,
What classification system is use...
78  cards
Urology - Passmedicine
What are causes of scrotal swellings,
What does an inguinal hernia pres...,
How do testicular tumours tend to...
237  cards
Lecture 2 - Renal Embryology
What part of the mesoderm forms t...,
What part of the mesoderm forms t...,
What part of the mesoderm forms t...
19  cards
Lecture 10 - Acid Base Balance
Why are metabolic reactions very ...,
What is the normal ph of arterali...,
What kind of ions contribute to ph
74  cards
Lecture 11 - Renal Assessment and Micturition
When are the two situations where...,
What tests are used to measure gfr,
What formula is used to measure p...
37  cards
Passmedicine - Acid Base Disorders
What things cause a metabolic aci...,
What things cause a metabolic aci...,
What are the two types of lactic ...
8  cards

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