This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Lee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

05.12 - Diuretics, Aquaretics (Bahouth)
Ca inhibitor,
___ may be effective in patients ...,
2 main conditions that cause adh ...
145  cards
Robbins - 517-533 - Glomerulus, Nephrotic, Nephritic
Glomerular diseases are often ___...,
___ injury may account for instan...,
___ mechanisms underlie most type...
154  cards
05.05 - Glomerular Structure, Injury (Nichols, Handorf) - Based on word doc
Hyaline sclerosis in htn vs dm,
Anti gbm disease is associated with,
Location of in situ immune comple...
95  cards
05.05 - Homeostasis (Rao) - Lecture, no reading
Formula for plasma osmolarity,
Major cation in icf,
What happens to normal rbc when p...
34  cards
05.05 - Eval of Renal Fxn (Rao) - Prerecorded
Water input to kidney is same as,
What is extraction ratio
23  cards
05.06 - RBF, GFR (Rao) - PP, Lecture Guide, No reading, Not watched
What effect on net filtration pre...,
How does sympathetic activation a...,
How does ang 2 affect renal arter...
43  cards
05.06 - Proximal Tubule (Rao) - PP, LG, No reading, Not watched
Symptoms of glucosuria,
Phosphate reabsorption is coupled...,
What facilitates water reabsorpti...
61  cards
05.07 - Loop, DT, CD (Rao) - PP, LG, No reading, Not watched
What is driving force for nacl re...,
Why is cl reabsorbed in dct cd,
What drives bicarb cl exchanger i...
58  cards
05.07 - Reg of Body Fluid (Rao) - PP, LG, No reading, Not watched
What percent of filtered load of ...,
What increases anp,
Renal na excretory system respond...
47  cards
05.07 - Na Balance (Gyalmani) - PP + Handout, No reading, Not watched
Vomitting and diarrhea are exampl...,
Signs of ecfv depletion,
Euvolemichypo osmolar hypo natrem...
35  cards
05.07 - Acid Base (Wall) - PP + Handout, No reading, Not watched
Expected ph changes for acute res...,
Type 1 distal rta is caused by __...,
Metabolic acidosis is ___ bicarb
99  cards
05.08 - K Balance (Showkat) - PP, No reading
Daily intake and output of k,
3 factors affecting k secretion,
3 groups of causes of hyperkalemia
83  cards
05.08 - Disorders of PCT, Water (Gosmanova) - PP, No reading
Hormonal function of pt,
Isolated pt dysfunctions are rare...,
Mutation in ar hypo p rickets
88  cards
05.08 - Reg of Body Fluid Osmolarity (Rao) - PP + Handout, No reading
4 causes of loss of medullary hyp...,
Ability of kidneys to dilute or c...,
Activation of v2 in cd results in
64  cards
05.11 - Urinalysis (Huch) - PP + Handout, No reading
Renal tubular epithelial cells ar...,
When do you see waxy casts,
Nephrotic range of proteinuira
98  cards
05.13 - Nephrotic Syndrome 1 (Nichols, Showkat) - PP + Handout
Other than post infectious gn sub...,
What tx do you use in both primar...,
Granular casts can result from
63  cards
05.14 - Nephrotic Syndrome 2 (Nichols, Showkat) - PP + Handout
Reduce __ is associated with seco...,
Chronic slowly progressive diseas...
58  cards
05.14 - Nephritic Syndrome (Nichols, Hastings) - PP + Handout
2 podocyte disorders,
3 basic components of nephritic s...,
3 gbm diseases
95  cards
05.15 - Kidney, Systemic 1 (Nichols) - PP + Handout
What does factor h regulate,
Demographic of sle,
Small vessel vasculitis causes
96  cards
05.15 - AKI (Canada) - PP
3 clinical clues to atn,
Urinarlysis in hepatorenal syndrome,
Urine na in hrs
56  cards
05.15 - Calcium, Phosphate Metab (Kovesdy) - PP, no reading
Percent of phosph filtered load t...,
How does hypocalcemia affect vit d,
4 major consequences of ckd mbd
83  cards
05.15 - HTN (Gosmanova) - PP, No reading
Increase nacl delivery to md incr...,
Wet htn,
Mechanism of volume expansion in ...
81  cards
05.16 - CKD (Huch) - PP, No reading
What loss of nephron mass results...,
Creatinine has to be ___ to use t...,
Stage 5 ckd
93  cards
05.19 - Tubulointerstitial 1 (Wall) - PP, No reading
Granular casts mean that there is...,
Acute interstitial nephritis is a...,
Primary lesions in arist acid nep...
80  cards
05.19 - Tubulointerstitial Disease 2 (Nichols) - PP + Handout, no reading
Most common nephrotoxic cause of atn,
Tx of atn,
Two options for quick tx of hyper...
97  cards
05.20 - Diabetic Renal Disease (Wall, Nichols) - PP
Stage 2 of dn,
Which is specific for diabetic gl...,
Globally sclerotic glomeruli dila...
79  cards
05.20 - Kidney, Systemic 2 (Nichols, Hastings) - PP + Handout
Most amyloiogenic proteins are ma...,
Median age at dx of al amyloidosis,
When to suspect light chain disease
74  cards
05.20 - UTIs (Brint) - PP
2 frequent causes of hematogenous...,
How can you tell if kidney is inv...,
Blood culture when pyelonephritis
35  cards
05.20 - Drugs and Renal Fxn (Sweatman)
2 peptide like drugs,
Though inward conductance is grea...,
What provides driving force for k...
52  cards
05.21 - Drug Tx of Renal Cancer (Sweatman)
Admin of ifn alpha 2b,
Coca cola urine,
Toxicity of cyclophosphamide
54  cards
05.22 - Renal Neoplasia (Handorf) - PP + Handout
Wagr and denys drash are both ass...,
Malignant neoplasm composed of ce...,
2 different appearances of papill...
49  cards

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