vctc level 3 beauty

This class was created by Brainscape user emma chong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Structure and function of cells and tissues
What are the three main structure...,
What are the structures within th...,
What is the cell membrane
23  cards
Muscular system - voluntary and face
What are the four main functions ...,
What is the origin of the muscle,
What is the insertion
16  cards
Muscles of the torso
Location and function of the pect...,
Location and function of intercos...,
Location and function of rectus a...
8  cards
Muscles of arm, shoulder, hand, and leg
Location and function of deltoid,
Location and function of biceps,
Location and function of triceps
14  cards
Muscle quiz
Main functions of muscles,
How are muscles attached to the b...,
Difference between origin and ins...
13  cards
Skeletal system
Main functions of the skeleton,
How many bones are in the axial s...,
How many bones are in the appendi...
39  cards
Circulatory system
Functions of the blood,
Structure and function of plasma,
Structure and function of red blo...
17  cards
Lymphatic system
Functions of the lymphatic system,
Structure and function of lymph f...,
Structure and function of lymph c...
30  cards
Excess hair growth
Why do hairs grow,
What is superfluous hair growth,
What is hirsuitism
7  cards
Contra-indications for electrical epilation
Contra indications that require m...,
Contra indications that prevent t...,
Contra indications that restrict ...
3  cards
Galvanic Electrolysis
What kind of current is used and ...,
What is the positive electrode ca...,
What is the negative electrode ca...
18  cards
Short Wave Diathermy
What kind of current is used in swd,
How does swd work,
How does cauterisation work
11  cards
What two currents are used and wh...,
Benefits of swd in blend,
How would you normally establish ...
5  cards
Electrical epilation
What is the best current for sens...,
How does dehydrated skin affect t...,
How does hair growth pattern infl...
11  cards
Contra-actions to electrical epilation
Cause and treatment for profuse s...,
Cause and treatment of erythema,
Cause and treatment of swelling
16  cards
Structure of the Hair
What are the three areas of the hair,
What is the cuticle,
What is the cortex
16  cards
Endocrine system
Function of endocrine system,
Function of endocrine gland,
What is a hormone and where do th...
28  cards
Body Massage - posture
When would you use stride stance,
When would you use walk stance,
Can you treat anyone under 16
10  cards
Body massage - contra-indications
Which contra indications prevent ...,
How would recent scar tissue impa...,
How would product allergies impac...
14  cards
Body massage - massage medium and client positioning
Which medium provides most slip,
Which massage medium would you se...,
Which massage medium may require ...
8  cards
Body massage - general effects
How is muscular tension relieved,
What happens with blood circulation,
What happens to lymph
12  cards
Structure of skin
Layers of epidermis in order top ...,
Describe stratum corneum,
Describe stratum lucidum
32  cards
Explain rsi how it is caused and ...,
Position and function on the sinuses,
Effects of hot and cold stone the...
15  cards
Facial Electrical Treatments
Functions of the skull,
Contra indications that prevent t...,
Contraindications that restrict
22  cards
Body Electrics
0  cards

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vctc level 3 beauty

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