This class was created by Brainscape user A S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: A S

Decks in this class (26)

Cardiovascular - Blood
What is an erythrocyte,
What do erythrocytes do,
What shape are erythrocytes
40  cards
Cardiovascular - Heart
Why is it called a double circula...,
What are the two vena cavas called,
What vessel does blood enter the ...
76  cards
Cardiovascular - Hypertension
What is hypertension,
What are symptoms of hypertension,
What are causes of hypertension
11  cards
Cardiovascular - CHD
What is chd,
What are the symptoms of chd,
What are the causes of chd
11  cards
Respiratory - Lungs
What waste product leaves the lungs,
What gas enters the lungs,
What is the structure of the larynx
43  cards
Respiratory - Asthma
What is asthma,
What causes asthma,
What can trigger asthma
12  cards
Respiratory - Emphysema
What is emphysema,
What are the symptoms of emphysema,
What are the causes of emphysema
11  cards
Respiratory - Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis,
What are the symptoms of cystic f...,
What is the cause of cystic fibrosis
11  cards
Digestive - Digestion
What is the function of the bucca...,
What is the function of the saliv...,
What is the function of the epigl...
40  cards
Digestive - IBS
What is ibs,
What causes the symptoms of ibs,
What are the symptoms of ibs
7  cards
Digestive - Gallstones
What are the symptoms of gallstones,
How do gallstones form,
What causes gallstones
6  cards
Digestive - Coeliac disease
What is coeliac disease,
What are the symptoms of coeliac ...,
What is the biological explanatio...
7  cards
Musculoskeletal - Bones and Joints
What is the function of cartilage,
What is the function of compact s...,
What is the function of the epiph...
20  cards
Musculoskeletal - Arthritis
What are the types of arthritis,
What is osteoarthritis,
What is rheumatoid arthritis
16  cards
Musculoskeletal - Osteoporosis
What is osteoporosis,
What are the symptoms of osteopor...,
What is the biological explanatio...
11  cards
What is the nervous system,
What is the cns,
What is the spinal cord
38  cards
CNS - Stroke
What is a stroke,
What are the symptoms of a stroke,
What are the two types of strokes
10  cards
What is ms,
What is the biological explanatio...,
What are the causes of ms
10  cards
What hormone does the adrenal gla...,
What hormones do the pancreas pro...,
What hormones does the thyroid pr...
36  cards
Endocrine - Diabetes
What are the symptoms of diabetes,
What is the biological explanatio...,
How is diabetes caused
7  cards
Endocrine - Cirrhosis
What is cirrhosis,
What are symptoms of cirrhosis,
What is the biological explanatio...
6  cards
Endocrine - Nephrotic Syndrome
What is nephrotic syndrome,
What are the symptoms of nephroti...,
What is the biological explanatio...
6  cards
Sensory - Eye
What is the function of the pupil,
What is the function of the iris,
What is the function of the tear ...
12  cards
Sensory - Ear
What is the function of the eardrum,
What is the function of the stapes,
What is the function of the incus
11  cards
Sensory - Hearing Loss
What are the 3 types of hearing loss,
What is gradual hearing loss,
What is conductive hearing loss
6  cards
Sensory - Eye malfunctions
What is glaucoma,
What causes glaucoma,
What are treatments for glaucoma
18  cards

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health and social care - a+p

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