Loan Estimate Fees and Tolerances Flashcards
Box A: Origination Charges
Fees Disclosed: Discount points, Origination charges (itemized)
Tolerance Applied: Zero Tolerance
Box B: Services you cannot shop for
Fees Disclosed: Appraisal, credit report, tax service, flood cert, FHA upfront MIP, etc.
Tolerance Applied: Zero Tolerance
Box C: Services you can shop for
Fees Disclosed: Title search, closing fee, lender’s title policy, pest inspection, survey, etc.
Tolerance Applied: 10% aggregated tolerance when using a vendor on the creditor’s list. Unlimited tolerance if borrower selects alternate vendor.
Box E: Taxes and other government fees
Fees Disclosed: Recording fees and transfer taxes.
Tolerance Applied: Recording fees: 10% tolerance. Transfer Taxes: Zero Tolerance
Box F: Prepaids
Fees Disclosed: First year homeowner’s insurance premium, prepaid/per-diem interest, property tax bill has been released for payment.
Tolerance Applied: Unlimited tolerance.
Box G: Initial Escrow Payment at Closing
Fees Disclosed: Impounds to start escrow account plus allowable cushion: property taxes, property insurance, mortgage insurance (monthly).
Tolerance Applied: Unlimited tolerance
Box H: Other
Fees Disclosed: Items not required by lender but that may be obtained: often owners title policy, but sometimes not used.