World Politics test NUMERO 1 Flashcards
What are the seven types of power
Ecconomic (Money wise)
Physical(with Strength)
Traditional (Royal power)
Religious (religion)
Intelectual (WIth Knowledge)
Institutional(Police, lawyers,legislators,Government)
David Easton
“A process where values are allocated athoritavely in a society”
“who does what to whom”
Harold Laswell
“Who gets what when and how”
Maurice Duverger
“The science of organized power”
Mao Tse Sung
“bloodless war”
George Perlin
“struggles to gain and maintain power”
What is maslows heirachy of needs in order:
Phsycological needs
Safety needs
Love and belonging
Self acctualization
Created a social structure of censorship and no ownership
Philosopher king
Carl Marx
Creater of the communist manifesto; a fight between the haves and the have nots otherwiseknown as the “Bourgoisie, and prolitariots”
WHo are the owners of product
The bourgoisie
Who are the workers
The have nots also known as the proletariots
Individuals seek their own state
Who is BF Skinner
He is a behavioural psycologist
Nature vs nuture
preformed an experiment on his daughter where she was left along and peogramed her to be this way
for reinforcement
Engineering through REINFORCEMENT & punishment
Positive Reinforcement = Adding stimulus to the environment (not necessarily adding something good).
Negative Reinforcement = Removing/neutralizing (not adding) stimulus from the environment.
Negative Reinforcement is more effective for LONG-TERM CHANGE
Written for future royals.
Have the people LOVE you, if not, then FEAR you.
Utopia via absolute power
Possibly satire
Life is bad
- You must be selfish(nature of man to be selfish)
- Use ressources for yourself
-Must have absolute Power
- Protect you from yourself
The leviathan