CV Flashcards


What is the usage of inveigh


Invoke-Inveigh is a PowerShell script that is primarily used for detecting and exploiting insecure configurations in the Windows environment, specifically targeting the protocols and services associated with network communications like the Server Message Block (SMB) and NetBIOS.

Some of the common use cases for Invoke-Inveigh include:

  1. LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning: Inveigh can be used to intercept and manipulate LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution) and NBT-NS (NetBIOS Name Service) requests, allowing an attacker to redirect network traffic and potentially capture sensitive information.
  2. Credential Harvesting: Inveigh can be used to capture usernames and passwords transmitted over the network by intercepting authentication requests. This is particularly useful in scenarios where weak or insecure authentication protocols are in use.
  3. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: By leveraging the poisoning capabilities, Inveigh can perform MitM attacks, allowing an attacker to intercept and manipulate network traffic between two parties. This can enable the attacker to gather sensitive information or inject malicious content.

It’s important to note that while Inveigh can be a valuable tool for security professionals and penetration testers to identify and demonstrate vulnerabilities, it should be used responsibly and within the boundaries of legal and ethical guidelines. Unauthorized use of Inveigh or similar tools can be considered a violation of privacy and may have legal consequences.

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How to use covenant c2


Covenant is a powerful Command and Control (C2) framework used for post-exploitation activities and maintaining persistence in a compromised system. While I can provide a brief overview of how Covenant works, it’s important to note that using such tools for unauthorized purposes is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have proper authorization and follow applicable laws and regulations when conducting security assessments or testing.

Here are the general steps to use Covenant:

  1. Setup: Start by installing Covenant on your server or hosting platform. Covenant requires a compatible version of .NET Core, and you can find detailed installation instructions in the Covenant documentation.
  2. Creating a Listener: Once Covenant is installed, you’ll create a listener, which acts as the C2 server. The listener will handle communications between the compromised systems (called implants) and your server. Specify the desired options, such as the IP address, port, and transport protocol for the listener.
  3. Generating an Implant: Covenant provides several methods for generating an implant, such as using PowerShell commands, creating an executable, or crafting a PowerShell script. The implant is the payload that will be executed on the compromised system to establish a connection with the C2 server.
  4. Deploying the Implant: After generating the implant, you need to somehow deliver it to the target system. This can be done through social engineering techniques, exploiting vulnerabilities, or other means of unauthorized access. Exercise extreme caution and ensure you have proper authorization when attempting to deploy the implant.
  5. Connecting and Managing Implants: Once the implant is executed on the target system, it will connect back to the Covenant C2 server. You can then manage the implants through the Covenant web interface, which provides various features for executing commands, transferring files, pivoting through compromised systems, and more.

It’s crucial to emphasize that using Covenant or any other similar tool without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. These tools are designed for professional security assessments, penetration testing, and authorized red teaming exercises. Always ensure you have the appropriate permissions and follow ethical guidelines and legal requirements when using such tools.

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What is BeEF?


BeEF, which stands for The Browser Exploitation Framework, is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser.

BeEF hooks one or more web browsers as beachheads for the launching of directed command modules. Each browser is likely to be within a different security context, and each context may provide a set of unique attack vectors.

Here’s a basic guide on how to use it:

  1. Installation: BeEF is usually pre-installed in penetration testing systems like Kali Linux. If not, you can download and install it from its GitHub repository.
  2. Start BeEF: In a terminal, navigate to the BeEF directory and start it by typing ./beef.
  3. Access BeEF interface: BeEF’s GUI can be accessed through a web browser. The default URL is You need to login using the default credentials which are beef for both username and password.
  4. Hook a browser: To exploit a web browser, it needs to be “hooked”. You do this by getting the target browser to access a webpage with BeEF’s JavaScript hook embedded. Once a browser is hooked, it shows up in the ‘Online Browsers’ section of the BeEF interface.
  5. Execute commands: Once you have a hooked browser, you can execute commands on it. Click on the hooked browser, navigate to the ‘Commands’ tab, choose a command module, configure it if necessary, and then click on ‘Execute’.

Remember, BeEF is a powerful tool, and like any other powerful tool, it should be used responsibly. Never use BeEF for illegal activities or without proper authorization and consent. It’s meant for security professionals to assess the security of systems, not for malicious activities.

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What is sqlmap


SQLMap is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It is designed to help security professionals identify and assess the security of databases by exploiting potential flaws in SQL queries.

Here are some key features and uses of SQLMap:

  1. SQL Injection Detection: SQLMap automates the process of identifying SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications by sending crafted requests and analyzing the responses. It can automatically test various injection points, such as URL parameters, form fields, and cookies, to determine if they are susceptible to SQL injection attacks.
  2. Exploitation and Data Extraction: Once a SQL injection vulnerability is detected, SQLMap can be used to exploit the vulnerability and extract data from the database. It can retrieve information such as database schema, tables, columns, and data records. Additionally, it can execute arbitrary SQL statements or commands on the database.
  3. Brute-Forcing and Privilege Escalation: SQLMap supports brute-forcing techniques to guess database credentials, escalate privileges, or bypass authentication mechanisms. It can attempt to enumerate usernames and passwords or exploit weaknesses in the authentication process.
  4. Extensive Database Support: SQLMap is compatible with various database management systems, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, and others. It adapts its techniques based on the targeted database system.
  5. Reporting and Output: SQLMap provides comprehensive reporting capabilities, generating detailed reports that document the discovered vulnerabilities, data extraction results, and exploited weaknesses. This facilitates the process of reporting findings to the appropriate parties and supporting further analysis.

It’s important to note that SQLMap should be used responsibly, with proper authorization, and in compliance with legal and ethical guidelines. It is primarily employed by security professionals, penetration testers, and researchers to assess the security of web applications and databases, helping to identify and mitigate SQL injection vulnerabilities.

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BloodHound is a powerful open-source tool used for analyzing and visualizing the Active Directory (AD) infrastructure and its associated permissions and trust relationships. It is primarily used for assessing and securing Active Directory environments. Here are some common use cases for BloodHound:

  1. Active Directory Reconnaissance: BloodHound helps security professionals and penetration testers gain insights into the structure and configuration of an Active Directory environment. It discovers information about users, groups, computers, domains, permissions, and trust relationships within the AD domain.
  2. Privilege Escalation: BloodHound identifies and visualizes paths for privilege escalation within an Active Directory environment. By mapping relationships and permissions, it helps identify misconfigurations or vulnerable access control settings that could lead to privilege escalation.
  3. Attack Path Analysis: BloodHound analyzes the trust relationships and permissions in an AD environment to identify potential attack paths. It can identify paths that allow an attacker to move laterally within the network, gain higher privileges, or access critical resources.
  4. Risk Assessment: BloodHound provides insights into potential security risks within an Active Directory environment. By analyzing the trust relationships and permissions, it helps identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance the security posture of the domain.
  5. Visualizing Access Control: BloodHound generates intuitive visualizations, such as graphs and diagrams, to depict the relationships and permissions in an Active Directory environment. These visualizations help security professionals understand complex access control scenarios and identify potential security weaknesses.

It’s important to note that BloodHound should be used responsibly, with proper authorization, and within the boundaries of legal and ethical guidelines. It is primarily employed by security professionals, system administrators, and penetration testers to assess the security of Active Directory environments and enhance their overall security posture.

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What does responder do


Responder is a powerful open-source tool used in network security assessments and penetration testing. It is specifically designed to capture and analyze network traffic related to various network protocol vulnerabilities and provide attackers with opportunities to intercept and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Here are the main functionalities and use cases of Responder:

  1. Network Poisoning and Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Responder is primarily used to perform network poisoning techniques like LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution) and NBT-NS (NetBIOS Name Service) poisoning. By responding to client requests for name resolution, Responder can intercept network traffic, redirect it to the attacker’s machine, and conduct Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks.
  2. Credential Harvesting: Responder excels at capturing authentication credentials, such as usernames and passwords, transmitted over the network. When clients make authentication requests to servers or services, Responder intercepts and captures those credentials, enabling attackers to potentially gain unauthorized access.
  3. Protocol Vulnerability Exploitation: Responder takes advantage of protocol weaknesses and vulnerabilities, such as the lack of encryption or secure authentication mechanisms. By exploiting these vulnerabilities, Responder can trick clients into disclosing sensitive information or providing credentials that can be used for further attacks.
  4. NTLM Hash Theft: Responder can target Windows systems that use NTLM authentication and attempt to steal the NTLM hashes exchanged during the authentication process. These hashes can be later cracked or used in pass-the-hash attacks to gain unauthorized access to network resources.
  5. Service Spoofing: Responder can impersonate various network services, such as SMB (Server Message Block) or HTTP, to lure clients into connecting to it. This allows attackers to capture sensitive data exchanged during the session or perform additional attacks.

It’s essential to note that using Responder or similar tools without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. Responder is intended for professional security assessments, penetration testing, and authorized red teaming exercises. Always ensure you have the appropriate permissions and follow ethical guidelines and legal requirements when using such tools.

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How to use powerview


PowerView is a PowerShell-based penetration testing and post-exploitation tool that focuses on Active Directory environments. It is part of the PowerSploit framework and is designed to provide security professionals and penetration testers with extensive capabilities for enumerating, querying, and manipulating Active Directory objects and their associated permissions.

Here are some key features and use cases of PowerView:

  1. Active Directory Enumeration: PowerView allows you to enumerate Active Directory objects such as users, groups, computers, domains, trusts, and organizational units. It provides various cmdlets to retrieve information about these objects, their attributes, and their relationships within the Active Directory environment.
  2. Privilege Escalation and Lateral Movement: PowerView can identify potential paths for privilege escalation within an Active Directory domain. By analyzing group memberships, group policies, and other AD objects, it helps security professionals identify opportunities to escalate privileges or move laterally within the network.
  3. ACL and Permission Analysis: PowerView enables you to query and analyze the access control lists (ACLs) and permissions of Active Directory objects. It helps identify misconfigurations, overly permissive access control settings, or vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized access or privilege escalation.
  4. Domain Trust Analysis: PowerView provides cmdlets to enumerate and analyze domain trust relationships within an Active Directory forest. This allows you to understand the trust relationships between domains and identify potential security risks or weaknesses.
  5. Automated Queries and Reporting: PowerView allows you to perform automated queries and generate reports based on the collected Active Directory information. This helps in documenting findings, conducting assessments, and supporting further analysis.

To use PowerView, follow these general steps:

  1. Obtain PowerView: PowerView is part of the PowerSploit framework, which can be downloaded from the GitHub repository. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and authorization to use the tool.
  2. Load PowerView: Launch a PowerShell session and import the PowerView module using the Import-Module cmdlet. This will make the PowerView cmdlets available for use.
  3. Enumerate Active Directory: Use PowerView cmdlets such as Get-Domain, Get-DomainUser, Get-DomainGroup, and others to enumerate Active Directory objects, retrieve information, and analyze permissions and relationships.
  4. Perform Analysis and Actions: Utilize PowerView cmdlets to perform various tasks such as privilege escalation analysis, ACL analysis, trust relationship analysis, and more. Refer to the PowerView documentation and available resources for guidance on specific use cases and commands.

It’s crucial to note that PowerView should be used responsibly, with proper authorization, and within the boundaries of legal and ethical guidelines. It is primarily employed by security professionals, penetration testers, and researchers to assess and enhance the security of Active Directory environments.

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TheFatRat is an open-source tool that is designed to simplify and automate various stages of an attack, specifically targeting remote exploitation. It is commonly used by security professionals, penetration testers, and ethical hackers to assess the security of systems and applications. It’s important to note that using TheFatRat or similar tools without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have the appropriate permissions and follow ethical guidelines and legal requirements when conducting security assessments or testing.

Here are some key features and capabilities of TheFatRat:

  1. Payload Generation: TheFatRat enables the creation of custom and undetectable payloads for different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. These payloads can be designed to exploit specific vulnerabilities or perform specific actions on a target system.
  2. Exploitation and Backdoor Creation: TheFatRat simplifies the process of exploiting vulnerabilities and establishing backdoors on target systems. It provides options to embed the generated payload into legitimate applications or files, making it less likely to be detected by antivirus software or security controls.
  3. Remote Administration: TheFatRat includes remote administration capabilities, allowing attackers to remotely control and manipulate compromised systems. This can involve activities such as executing commands, transferring files, capturing screenshots, keylogging, and more.
  4. Social Engineering Attacks: TheFatRat provides features to facilitate social engineering attacks, such as creating malicious executables that appear legitimate or enticing to the target. These can be used to deceive users and trick them into running the payload.
  5. Post-Exploitation Modules: TheFatRat includes modules and functionalities for post-exploitation activities. These modules can be used to perform actions like privilege escalation, lateral movement within a network, data exfiltration, and persistence.

It’s crucial to emphasize that TheFatRat or any similar tool should be used responsibly, with proper authorization, and within the boundaries of legal and ethical guidelines. Such tools are designed for professional security assessments, penetration testing, and authorized red teaming exercises. Always ensure you have the appropriate permissions and follow ethical guidelines and legal requirements when using these tools.

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Nikto is an open-source web server scanner that can be used to perform comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including potentially dangerous files or programs, outdated versions of server software, and problems specific to certain server software. It’s widely used for web server security testing.

Here’s a basic guide on how to use Nikto:

  1. Installation: Nikto is usually pre-installed in penetration testing systems like Kali Linux. If not, it can be downloaded and installed from its GitHub repository.
  2. Running Nikto: In the terminal, you can start a basic scan by typing nikto -h <target> where <target> is the URL or IP address of the website you’re testing.
  3. Understanding the Output: Nikto’s output will list any vulnerabilities or noteworthy items it discovers, organized by the type of issue and the specific URL where the issue was found. This can be valuable information for patching or improving your web server’s security.

As with other security tools, Nikto should only be used responsibly and legally, for purposes such as security research or testing the security of your own systems. Using it to scan systems you don’t have permission to test is illegal and unethical.

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TheHarvester is an open-source intelligence gathering tool used for reconnaissance and information gathering. It is designed to gather data from public sources such as search engines, social media platforms, and other online resources. TheHarvester helps security professionals, researchers, and penetration testers collect valuable information during the initial phase of an assessment.

Here’s an overview of how to use TheHarvester:

  1. Installation: TheHarvester is typically available as a command-line tool and can be installed on various operating systems. You can download it from the official GitHub repository or through package managers like apt-get (for Linux-based systems). Follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system.
  2. Basic Usage: Open a terminal or command prompt and run TheHarvester with the desired options and parameters. For example, to search for email addresses related to a specific domain, use the following command:
theharvester -d -l 100 -b all

This command specifies the target domain (-d), the maximum number of results to retrieve (-l), and the search engine sources to use (-b all).

  1. Customization and Options: TheHarvester provides various options to customize the data gathering process. You can specify the type of information to retrieve, such as email addresses, hostnames, or usernames. You can also choose specific search engine sources or use APIs for more targeted searches. Use the theharvester -h command to explore available options and usage instructions.
  2. Results and Output: TheHarvester will retrieve information based on the specified parameters and display the results in the terminal. It can collect data such as email addresses, subdomains, employee names, hostnames, and more. You can save the results to a file for further analysis using the -f or --output option.
  3. Analyzing and Utilizing Results: Review the gathered information and use it for various purposes, such as identifying potential attack vectors, conducting social engineering assessments, or expanding the scope of a penetration test. Ensure that you handle the collected data ethically and in compliance with legal requirements.

It’s important to note that TheHarvester is intended for legitimate purposes such as reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and security assessments. Always ensure you use TheHarvester responsibly, with proper authorization, and within the boundaries of legal and ethical guidelines. Respect the privacy and data protection regulations of the sources being queried, and use the tool in a manner that respects the terms of service and guidelines provided by the data sources.

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Mitm6 is a tool used for performing Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks on IPv6 networks. It focuses on intercepting and manipulating IPv6 traffic, allowing an attacker to eavesdrop, modify, or inject network communications. Mitm6 is primarily used by security professionals, penetration testers, and researchers to assess the security of IPv6-enabled networks and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Here’s an overview of how Mitm6 works and how to use it:

  1. IPv6 Network Setup: Ensure that you are operating within an IPv6-enabled network environment. Mitm6 specifically targets IPv6 networks and won’t be effective in IPv4-only networks.
  2. Installation: Mitm6 is part of the Impacket framework, which is available on GitHub. Follow the installation instructions provided in the Impacket repository to install the framework and the Mitm6 tool.
  3. MITM Attack Configuration: Before launching the MitM attack, you need to configure Mitm6 with the appropriate network parameters. This includes specifying the IPv6 network prefix and the IPv6 address of the attacker machine.
  4. Launching the MitM Attack: Run the Mitm6 command with the desired options to initiate the MitM attack. For example:
mitm6 -d

This command specifies the target domain (-d) that Mitm6 will impersonate and intercept the network traffic for.

  1. Interception and Traffic Manipulation: Once the MitM attack is successfully launched, Mitm6 will intercept IPv6 traffic within the target network. It can perform various actions, such as eavesdropping on network communications, modifying packets in transit, injecting malicious payloads, or redirecting traffic to different destinations.

It’s important to note that conducting MitM attacks without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit permission and follow legal and ethical guidelines when performing security assessments or testing. Mitm6 should be used responsibly and only within authorized environments or during controlled security assessments.

Furthermore, IPv6 networks often come with their own unique security challenges. Ensure you have a good understanding of IPv6 network protocols, security mechanisms, and potential risks before attempting to perform MitM attacks or any other assessments on IPv6-enabled networks.

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