Part II: 2. OS structure [B1] Flashcards
OS services;
What are the services for the users?
Will vary from one OS to another, but common classes are:
User interface: GUI, CLI
File system access: create, read, write, and delete files through the file system.
I/O operations:
Program execution: Load, run and execute.
Error detection.
The services provided by the OS aim to make the computer more accessible and manageable for users, shielding from complexities of hardware an low-level system operations.
OS services; what are those that facilitate the operations of a computer system?
System calls; what is a system call and how does it work?
A system call provide an interface to the services, made available by an OS. -> User-level processes to request services of the OS.
System calls; Provide an overview of different types of system calls.
1: process control
2: file management
3: device management
4: information maintenance
5: communications
6: protection
What are system programs?
Bundles of useful system calls. They provide basic functonality to the users so that users do not need to write their own programs to solve common problems.
Overview of OS structures.