Cryptography Flashcards
Cryptography, Cryptology, Cryptanalysis, Crypto
Cryptography: making secret codes
Cryptology: Making and Breaking secret codes
Cryptanalysis: Breaking secret codes
Crypto: all of the above, a black box
Caesar Cipher
- extremely easy to break by shifting 3 letters left, Simple substitution
- mono alphabetic encryption
-classical cipher
-ve: small key space of 25 keys
Hardening Caesar Cipher + 1-ve
- scramble 26 letters into other random permutations: 26!
- encrypt and decrypt with same scrambled key
- not necessarily alphabetic shift
English letter frequencies unbalanced, DO NOT use substitution ciphers
cipher/cryptosystem, encryption result, decryption result, symmetric key, public key, private key
- cipher: encrypt plaintext
- encryption result: ciphertext
- decryption result: plaintext
- symmetric key: same key to encrypt and decrypt
- public key: to encrypt
- private key: to decrypt
Secure cryptosystem & Broken cryptosystem
- Secure cryptosystem: best attack is brute force, exhaustive key search
- Broken cryptosystem: shortcut attack known without trying all keys
Vigenere Cipher
- letters shifted by values defined by a key, letters that represent numbers based on position in alphabet
eg. A:0, D: 3 - Stronger: longer keyword(less observable pattern in ciphertext, more frequency tables), shorter message(stat analysis not accurate)
- same letter to different letters
- different letters to single letter
- polyalphabetic substitution, more secure, classical cipher
- Not good today
Vigenere Cipher decryption
- Find length of key by looking at intervals between repeated text patterns. Same word encrypted with same shift values
- Key length either whole interval and repeated text or a factor of it
One Time Pad
- perfect encryption
- can only learn length of plaintext
- plaintext, random key and ciphertext all same length
- C = P XOR K
- XOR: instant encryption and decryption, XOR key twice encrypts and decrypts
OTP encryption & decryption
Encryption: Add each letter by cipher until cipher ends then repeat until sequence ends
Decryption: Minus each letter by cipher until cipher ends then repeat until sequence ends
- mod26 for both. A=1, Z=26
One Time Pad properties(3)
- Random
- Used only once
- Known only to sender and receiver
Problems with One Time Pad(5)
- Hard to generate truly random long One Time Pad
- Need to ensure OTP stored securely
- Need to ensure secure encryption and decryption
- Both parties need to sync portions of pad used
- Need to agree on new OTP when old OTP used up or compromised
- found everywhere
1. equally likely to get 0 or 1 bit
2. Successive bits independent of each other - non randomness = insecurity
- crypto randomness more strict than random used in RNG and simulations
Errors in identifying randomness
- Mistaking random for not random
- Mistaking non random for random
Birthday paradox
- only need 23 ppl to get >50% where 2 ppl same birthday
-> 364! / 342! x 365^23 = 49.2
-> 100 - 49.2 = 50.8%
Crude Shannon
- founder of Info Theory
1. Confusion: obscure relationship between plaintext and ciphertext
2. Diffusion: spread plaintext statistics through ciphertext - One Time Pad: confusion
- Double Transposition: Diffusion