Acromegaly focussed exam Flashcards
Generic q
What did you notice first?
Have you noticed a change in your appearance?
Determining if there is active acromegaly - do you notice excessive sweating? do you have high blood pressure?
Headaches? Visual problems? Pins and needles? Backache? Muscle weakness? Change in shoe size?
General inspection
Increased size of feet, hands, head
Mildly hirsute
Inspect and palpate with patient’s hands on pillow
Dorsum: large, spade-shaped with signs of OA
Palms: sweaty, doughy/boggy texture to palms, capillary glucose stick marks on finger pulps (secondary diabetes)
Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome e.g. scar / loss of sensation
General: coarse facial features, acne, enlarged nose and ears, macrognathia (large mandible), hypophystectomy scar under upper lip
Eyes: visual fields, prominent supra-orbital ridges
Mouth: prognathism, splaying of teeth, macroglossia and ridges from teeth on sides of tongue
Thyroid goitre (increased thyroid vascularity) JVP (cardiomyopathy)
Inspect: multiple skin tags
Acanthosis nigricans in axillae
Signs of cardiomyopathy (apex, auscultate HS and lung bases)
Peripheral oedema (cardiomyopathy)
Proximal myopathy
Gait: rolling gait with bowed legs
To complete
BP, perform thyroid and CV exams and formally assess visual fields
Full hx
Insulin-like growth factor 1
Growth hormone response to oral glucose tolerance test
MRI pituitary