Chapter 3: The History of Computers Flashcards


Explain the evolution of computers.


The first computer ever created was the abacus in ancient China (7th century), this machine could only perform addition and subtraction. The next evolution in computers came with the invention of Bones, created by John Napier, this machine was not mechanical but could perform multiplication.
The next evolution was the Adding machine, The first adding Machine was the Pascaline, created by Blaise Pascal, this machine could add and subtract better than anyone before it.
The Liebnitz was the next evolution of the computer these computers improved on the Pascaline by introducing the ability to divide and multiply.
The next evolution was the Difference and Analytic engines, Pioneered by Charles Babbage and Ada Countess of Lovelace, these machines were able to compute entire mathematical tables and were the first computers that introduced the idea of data storage even though the difference engine didn’t succeed at this, the analytic engine made it possible to store data in punch cards(this data could be numbers, instructions, etc).
After These other computers the Punch card machine by Joseph Marie was introduced, this machine primarily used punched cards to perform its operations

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