Chapter 4: Computer Generations Flashcards


Explain the 5 generations of computers.


-> First Generation:
Computers in this generation were very large and processed data through the use of vacuum tubes.
examples of these computers are the ENIAC, EDVAC, etc. These machines used magnetic tape, magnetic drums, and punch cards to store data.
-> Second Generation:
Computers of this generation processed data through the use of Transistors, these computers were, smaller, faster, and cheaper than the previous generation and used Magnetic core and Magnetic tape for data storage, examples of devices in this generation include: the UNIVAC 1107.
-> Third Generation:
This generation of computers processed data with the use of Integrated Circuits, they were faster and smaller than previous generations but also added some advantages like, they could connect to the internet, they had a variety of peripheral devices, they could be programmed using COBOL
-> Fourth Generation:
These computers processed data through the use of Large and Very Large Scale Integrated circuits, called microchips or microprocessors, these computers were faster, smaller, cheaper, and produced less heat than every other generation, the also had other advantages: They introduced the use of a large variety of software, the introduced email for communication, they could store relatively large amounts of data.
-> Fifth Generation:
The main difference between this generation of computers and the previous generations is the fact that they use Artificial Intelligence Technology, these computers are predicted to have the following advantages: They will become easy to vastly versatile and easy to use, they shall have a decrease in human intervention

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