Circles Flashcards


Class 9 maths chapter Circle, learn in a easy and short method


Certainly! Here’s a concise overview of circles for Class 9 mathematics:

  1. Definition: A circle is a closed curve where all points are equidistant from a fixed point called the center.
  2. Parts of a Circle:
    • Radius (r): The distance from the center to any point on the circle.
    • Diameter (d): The distance across the circle passing through the center (twice the radius).
    • Circumference (C): The perimeter of the circle, given by (C = 2\pi r) or (C = \pi d).
    • Area (A): The region enclosed by the circle, given by (A = \pi r^2).
  3. Important Concepts:
    • Chord: A line segment joining any two points on the circle.
    • Arc: A part of the circumference.
    • Sector: The region enclosed by an arc and two radii.
    • Segment: The region enclosed by an arc and a chord.
  4. Angles in a Circle:
    • Central Angle: An angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle.
    • Inscribed Angle: An angle whose vertex is on the circle’s circumference.
    • Angle at the Center: Twice the measure of the inscribed angle intercepting the same arc.
  5. Theorems:
    • Pythagoras Theorem: In a right triangle inscribed in a circle, the hypotenuse is the diameter of the circle.
    • Angle Sum Property: The sum of angles in a triangle inscribed in a circle is (180^\circ).
  6. Construction of Circles:
    • Using Compass and Straightedge: Draw circles with given radius or diameter.

Remember to practice problems involving circumference, area, angles, and theorems to reinforce your understanding of circle concepts.

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Class 9 maths chapter Circle, with formulas and easy tricks


Certainly! Here are some key formulas and tricks related to circles for Class 9 mathematics:

  1. Radius, Diameter, and Circumference:
    • Radius ((r)): The distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circumference.
    • Diameter ((d)): The distance across the circle passing through the center ((d = 2r)).
    • Circumference ((C)): The perimeter of the circle ((C = 2\pi r) or (C = \pi d)).
  2. Area of a Circle:
    • Area ((A)): The region enclosed by the circle ((A = \pi r^2)).
  3. Sector and Segment:
    • Sector: The region enclosed by an arc and two radii.
    • Segment: The region enclosed by an arc and a chord.
  4. Angles in a Circle:
    • Central Angle: An angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle.
    • Inscribed Angle: An angle whose vertex is on the circle’s circumference.
    • Angle at the Center: Twice the measure of the inscribed angle intercepting the same arc.
  5. Theorems:
    • Pythagoras Theorem: In a right triangle inscribed in a circle, the hypotenuse is the diameter of the circle.
    • Angle Sum Property: The sum of angles in a triangle inscribed in a circle is (180^\circ).
  6. Construction of Circles:
    • Using Compass and Straightedge: Draw circles with given radius or diameter.
  7. Tricks:
    • Finding Circumference from Diameter: If you know the diameter, simply multiply it by (\pi) to find the circumference.
    • Finding Area: To find the area of a sector or segment, remember to use the fraction of the circle’s area based on the central angle.
  8. Relationship between Radius and Area/Circumference:
    • Doubling the radius doubles the circumference and quadruples the area.

Remember to practice problems involving circumference, area, angles, and theorems to reinforce your understanding of circle concepts.

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Class 9 maths chapter Circle with whole exercises


Sure, here are some exercises related to circles for Class 9 mathematics:

  1. Calculate Circumference and Area:
    a) Find the circumference of a circle with radius 5 cm.
    b) Find the area of a circle with diameter 12 cm.
  2. Angles in Circles:
    a) If the measure of an arc is (120^\circ), what is the measure of the central angle?
    b) If the measure of an inscribed angle is (60^\circ), what is the measure of the intercepted arc?
  3. Circle Theorems:
    a) In a circle with center O, if AB is a diameter, and C is any point on the circumference, find the measure of angle ACB.
    b) In a circle with center O, if ∠AOC = (40^\circ), find the measure of minor arc AC.
  4. Construction of Circles:
    a) Construct a circle with radius 4 cm.
    b) Construct a circle with diameter 10 cm.
  5. Sector and Segment:
    a) Find the area of a sector with radius 8 cm and central angle (45^\circ).
    b) Find the area of the segment of a circle with radius 6 cm and central angle (60^\circ), given that the corresponding chord length is (4\sqrt{3}) cm.
  6. Word Problems:
    a) A wheel of radius 21 cm is rotating at (100) revolutions per minute. Calculate the speed of a point on the circumference of the wheel.
    b) A circular park has a circumference of (352) meters. Find its radius.
  7. Mixed Problems:
    a) In a circle with center O, if (OA = 10) cm, (OB = 6) cm, and (AB = 8) cm, find the measure of minor arc AB.
    b) The length of an arc of a circle is (10) cm and the radius of the circle is (5) cm. Find the measure of the angle subtended by this arc at the center.
  8. Application Problems:
    a) A wire is in the form of a circle with radius (35) cm. It is bent into a rectangle. Find the area of the rectangle.
    b) The area of a circle is (154) square cm. Find its circumference.

These exercises cover various aspects of circles, including circumference, area, angles, theorems, construction, sectors, segments, and real-life applications. Practice them to strengthen your understanding of circle concepts.

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