Dark Side of Charisma Flashcards


What are some cool psychological tricks to make people second guess themselves? Quora


Suggest an action
Give a worst-case scenario if they don’t take the action, and
Let the person’s mind do the rest.

For example, if I want my wife to go to the restroom before we leave on a trip (because otherwise we’ll be stopping at a gas station in 30 minutes or less), I’ll say, “Hey honey, do you want to use the bathroom quick before we leave?”

She’ll refuse, saying she doesn’t have to go. To which, I’ll say something to the effect of, “OK, sounds good. I mean, worst case, we can stop at a gas station or McDonald’s once we are on the road. There will be plenty of options, so let’s get going.”

Nine times out of ten, my wife will end up doing what I suggested in the first place. It drives her nuts. Feel free to use this trick liberally, I know I do!

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