Exam questions Flashcards


Why would McDonalds operate some of it’s branches as a franchise.


McDonalds does not have to spend large amounts of money in order to expand – franchisees provide the capital for expansion.
It can expand without incurring huge amounts of debt. 
The more branches there are, the greater the brand recognition/number of customers/market share/sales revenue/profit. 
McDonalds reduces its risk by expanding in this way - because the expansion is financed by the franchisee. 
McDonalds can expand more rapidly - than if it only operated through company owned outlets. 
The terms on which the products necessary for the franchise to operate are under McDonalds’ direct control - it can therefore increase revenue/profit.  McDonalds will get regular income/revenue/profit - from royalty payments. 
A McDonalds franchisee may be more motivated to maximise sales and profits for McDonalds than a salaried branch manager. McDonalds will therefore benefit. 
Applicants to become franchisees will be carefully selected for their suitability - franchises should therefore, generate a continuous stream of revenue/profit for McDonalds from franchisees determined to make their business succeed.

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