Explain:The importance of the Plains Indians’ beliefs about land and nature for relations between Plains Indians and settlers. Flashcards


1862 the Dakota Sioux tribe, led by Little Crow, faced starvation due to failed crops and the
compensation they had been promised by the government had not arrived. Little Crow led attack on both the Agency responsible 4 running the reservation (August 1862)group of 45 US army soldiers, which ended in defeat.Black Kettle, the chief of the Cheyenne, started attacking wagon trains to seize food for starving Indians on the Sand Creek reservation in Colorado.Following three years of attacks, the government and army commanders reached agreement to protect the travellers and a camp was set up at Sand Creek, which Black Kettle believed was under US army protection.In November 1864, Colonel Chivington led a dawn raid on Sand Creek and massacred aprox 150 men, women and children.News of the Sand Creek massacre was carried by Black Kettle to other tribes increasing attacks on white settlers, so conflict had still not been resolved by the end of 1864.

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